[HELP] AutoMessages suddenly stopped working !

Everything was Okay before but after some weeks I couldn't know what I did to make this stop working ..
I'm really sure I did nothing but still It doesn't work for a reason I don't know ...

The thing is that some AutoMessages were popping to all players every 5 minutes, then suddenly it stopped working although I have never played with the function.
But I do wonder why is the AUTO_MESSAGE_TIME was never called in the script ? anyway I have never touched it and it was working fine before.

Here is the code, I hope you could find the problem :

#define AUTO_MESSAGE_TIME 5  //  Minutes between automatic messages, <= This was never called in the script, is that okay ?
#define COLOR_AUTOMESSAGE 0xFF0D44AA  //  The Color

new AutoMessages[][] = {
	"Want to donate to help our community stay alive, then ask an admin.",
	"No admins on and you want to report someone? Make a player complaint on our forums!",
	"Check out our forums at www.marrakechcity.boards.net",
	"This is our Official TS3 Server : DirtyGaming.teamspeak.me",
	"If you are having account issues, Make an administrative request on our forums!",
	"We have a zero tolerancy rule for server advertising and hacking.",
	"Remember at all times on the server you MUST roleplay.",
	"Please remember to send donations to AYMAN (Mi$ha) only.",
	"Use /information to view our current information about our server.",
	"See someone cheating or breaking rules ? Do /report",
	"Looking for some visual help? You may /requesthelp and an Advisor will be with you shortly.",
	"Wanting to become a Helper? Help around on /new and the Chief Advisor will notice you."

forward AutoMessage();
public AutoMessage() {
	new string[128];
	format(string, sizeof(string), "[SERVER] %s", AutoMessages[random(sizeof(AutoMessages))]);
	SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_AUTOMESSAGE, string);
	return 1;
Please, Help me as soon as possible, I would be very thankful, Thanks in advance.

does it have any errors or warning?
if it have plz post them here and if is there any callback also plz post them.

No. I have already posted anything that has to do with the Automessages. And No there is no errors or warnings my script is clean, I already said That I didn't change anythng it just stopped working by itself. If you could read the code slowly maybe you could find out the problem.

mm I think that it aint work like so because I have tested it in so many ways it should have a timer which maybe u deleted wrongly. so I suggest that I give u my random messages system if u want to.

Okay thanks .. You could paste it here and We'll see.

Okay here it is
PHP код:
#define CURRENT_MESSAGES 18//this is the number of random messag3s we have
//#define Msg_Name "TIP:"// this name of the random message under testing
forward SendRandomMessage();
lastmessage 0;
rand random(CURRENT_MESSAGES);
rand == lastmessage && CURRENT_MESSAGES != 1)    { rand random(CURRENT_MESSAGES);  }
lastmessage rand;
stock AddRandomMessage(text[])
strmid(RM[m], text0127);
stock RandomMsg()
AddRandomMessage("TIP: Type /drivingschool To Get Teleported To The Next Driving School.");
AddRandomMessage("TIP: Type /help to see a short list of our server helpful commands.");
AddRandomMessage("TIP: The flying school is located at Verdant Meadows, LV.");
AddRandomMessage("TIP: Type /resetcar to reset your own vehicle to the closest police department.");
AddRandomMessage("TIP: The bike school is located at Blackfield, LV.");
AddRandomMessage("TIP: Use /findjob while in vehicles to see our server jobs which can generate money.");
AddRandomMessage("TIP: Use /ask whenever there's a support operator on-duty.");
AddRandomMessage("TIP: Have you seen someone breaking rules/cheating ?? /report is the solution.");
AddRandomMessage("TIP: Type /vhelp to view all vehicles commands.");
AddRandomMessage("TIP: Every 1 hour of playing = 1 score, at level 15 you can buy an own house, at 25 an own business.");
AddRandomMessage("TIP: Use /admins to see the online adminstrators.");
AddRandomMessage("TIP: To see enabled events use /events.");
AddRandomMessage("TIP: VIP member Level 1 get 2.500.000$ cash in-game, VIP member Level 2 get 5.000.000$ cash in-game.");
AddRandomMessage("TIP: VIP member level 1 can own 3 vehicles, VIP level 2 can own 6 vehicles.");
AddRandomMessage("TIP: VIP members don't lose their money, armor and weapons while dying. also they don't lose their vehicle when its destroyed.");
AddRandomMessage("TIP: Use /radio While In Car For Some New Music.");
SetTimer("SendRandomMessage"MESSAGE_INTERVAL 10001);


Thanks a lot. But I've already fixed mine it was just that AUTO_MESSAGE_TIME thing that was accidently commented within the script.

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