Timeouts & Lag - GetServerTickRate

Hello there,

I have recently come across a problem which I cannot seem to find the answer for. I've had complaints of lag and timeouts which I've witnessed myself when two or more players are online.

I asked someone to go on the server, they said they experienced no lag, but as soon as I connect, they start lagging and eventually they timeout after a couple of minutes.

Taken from the log -
[18:01:03] The current server tick rate is: 175
[18:01:03] [login] ****** has logged into their account
[18:01:04] The current server tick rate is: 97
[18:01:05] The current server tick rate is: 174
[18:01:06] The current server tick rate is: 166
As you can see, there is a change/decrease in the tick rate when a user logs into their account. This also happened when I logged in.

If the lag is only when a user connects, it will help to check OnPlayerConnect, remove parts of the code and try to find what's causing the lag.

The lag starts when the second player connects to the server, it doesn't stop after that: it just continues. However, I'll be sure to check if anything unusual is under OnPlayerConnect.

Any other suggestions?

Maybe it's caused by something in a timer. It can be anything really, you're the one who should know however as you're the one who created the script.

I recommend you to use this: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=271129

It helps a lot.

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