04.06.2012, 14:07
Well, I went on the SAMP wiki in search of a kills/deaths script, and I tried to understand what it meant. I got the fdelete and fcreate code, but it still returns errors when I can see it has already been defined.
That is the entire 97 line script.
The errors that script returns on compiling:
If anyone can explain what I am doing wrong, or even better, provide a better way to create a stats script, I would appreciate it, as the one on the forums clearly states it is primitive, and I've been in search of a stats script for days and days.
I will fix the loose indentation warnings myself, so ignore them for now.
#include <a_samp> new PKills[MAX_PLAYERS]; // Kill Tracker new PDeaths[MAX_PLAYERS]; // Death tracker #define FILE_NAME "stats.txt" // The name of the file new File:gstats; // The file new string[256]; new pname[24]; new str[256]; forward fcreate(filename[]); public fcreate(filename[]) { if (fexist(filename)){return false;} new File:fhandle = fopen(filename,io_write); fclose(fhandle); return true; } fdeleteline(filename[], line[]){ if(fexist(filename)){ new temp[256]; new File:fhandle = fopen(filename,io_read); fread(fhandle,temp,sizeof(temp),false); if(strfind(temp,line,true)==-1){return 0;} else{ fclose(fhandle); fremove(filename); for(new i=0;i<strlen(temp);i++){ new templine[256]; strmid(templine,temp,i,i+strlen(line)); if(equal(templine,line,true)){ strdel(temp,i,i+strlen(line)); fcreate(filename); fhandle = fopen(filename,io_write); fwrite(fhandle,temp); fclose(fhandle); return 1; } } } } return 0; } public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) { SaveStats(playerid, d, k) { gstats=fopen(FILE_NAME, io_append); GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24); // The name of the player format(str, sizeof(str), "%s %d %d\n\r",pname, k, d); // format if(!gstats)// Our check { fcreate(FILE_NAME); } while(fread(gstats, string)) { if(strcmp(string, pname, false, strlen(pname))==0) { // To check if the players name is in the file fdeleteline(FILE_NAME, string); // delete the line fwrite(gstats, str); // write the string } } fclose(gstats); } return 1; } public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { if (strcmp("/stats", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) { ReadStats(playerid) { gstats=fopen(FILE_NAME, io_read); GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24); while(fread(gstats, string)) { if(strcmp(str, pname, false, strlen(pname))==0) { PKills[playerid]=GetVal(1, str); PDeaths[playerid]=GetVal(2, str); } } fclose(gstats); } new Float:ratio=floatdiv(PKills[playerid], PDeaths[playerid]); format(str, 256, "%d %d %.2f", PKills[playerid], PDeaths[playerid], ratio); return 1; } return 0; }
The errors that script returns on compiling:
SAMP S3RV\filterscripts\stats.pwn(33) : error 017: undefined symbol "equal" SAMP S3RV\filterscripts\stats.pwn(53) : error 017: undefined symbol "SaveStats" SAMP S3RV\filterscripts\stats.pwn(54) : warning 217: loose indentation SAMP S3RV\filterscripts\stats.pwn(57) : error 017: undefined symbol "k" SAMP S3RV\filterscripts\stats.pwn(74) : warning 217: loose indentation SAMP S3RV\filterscripts\stats.pwn(81) : error 017: undefined symbol "ReadStats" SAMP S3RV\filterscripts\stats.pwn(86) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVal" SAMP S3RV\filterscripts\stats.pwn(87) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVal" SAMP S3RV\filterscripts\stats.pwn(90) : warning 217: loose indentation Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 6 Errors.
I will fix the loose indentation warnings myself, so ignore them for now.