Streamer:Show CP for specified players only

I was just working on my script but then got a problem:
The script is this: I create a cmd which will show the CP to the players who had used it.
For Ex: I Do
PHP код:
cpname CreateDynamicCP(xy,...) 
Then I THINK it will just create a CP that will be shown to all any function or anything to make CP for the one who type cmd..

CreateDynamicCP(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:size, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Float:streamdistance = STREAMER_CP_SD, STREAMER_TAG_AREA areaid = STREAMER_TAG_AREA -1, priority = 0);
Notice that the 7th parameter represents 'playerid'. This means that the checkpoint will show for that player specifically. When set to -1, it will show for all players.

PHP код:
new target 8// Player ID 8
CreateDynamicCP(xyz, .playerid target); 

Didn't noticed ever, Thanks.

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