Help with some errors ! [ URGENT ]


[19:18:19] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:18:19] [debug]  Accessing element at index 17 past array upper bound 14
[19:18:19] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:18:19] [debug] #0 0003c464 in public OnPlayerLeaveZone (0x00000011) from IS.amx
[19:18:23] [chat] [bogdan223]: unde esti
[19:18:26] [chat] [DarkDay]: ! in parcare
[19:18:29] [chat] [andrei]: la unrg
[19:18:29] [chat] [DarkDay]: ! apar pe harte
[19:18:31] [chat] [DarkDay]: ! apar pe harta
[19:18:35] [chat] [boschete]: kill
[19:18:37] [chat] [[SA]iMiG]: 16
[19:18:39] [death] [SA]Alexu died 255
[19:18:40] [chat] [Ionutzz]: ! st sa dau capture
[19:18:43] [chat] [DarkDay]: ! haide odata ba
[19:18:46] [chat] [DarkDay]: ! ce faci acolo
[19:18:47] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:18:47] [debug]  Accessing element at index 17 past array upper bound 14
[19:18:47] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:18:47] [debug] #0 0003c464 in public OnPlayerLeaveZone (0x00000011) from IS.amx
[19:18:51] [chat] [DarkDay]: ! asa
[19:19:07] [chat] [DarkDay]: ! unde erai?
[19:19:12] [chat] [Ionutzz]: !sus pe acoperis
[19:19:13] [part] daryblowers has left the server (17:1)
[19:19:22] [chat] [DarkDay]: ! si d eaoclo capturai?
[19:19:27] [chat] [Ionutzz]: !Da.
[19:19:38] [part] Arion_Sherwind has left the server (3:0)
[19:19:49] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[19:19:50] [connection] incoming connection: id: 3
[19:19:50] [join] daryblower has joined the server (3:
[19:19:50] Loaded 0 vehicles from daryblower
[19:19:54] [chat] [DarkDay]: ! ai grij as anu vina nimeni
[19:19:57] [chat] [Ionutzz]: !dar cum il conectezi imi zici pe SKype ?
[19:20:00] [chat] [bogdan223]: tdrak
[19:20:04] [chat] [bogdan223]: drak
[19:20:07] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[19:20:08] [connection] incoming connection: id: 11
[19:20:08] [join] IoNuT[AK47] has joined the server (11:
[19:20:08] Loaded 0 vehicles from IoNuT[AK47]
[19:20:15] [chat] [DarkDay]: ! da mai tarziu
[19:20:26] [kill] Nenad1993 killed Alex312000 Sniper Rifle
[19:20:26] [chat] [IoNuT[AK47]]: salut
[19:20:27] [chat] [Ionutzz]: !imi lasi mesaj cum
[19:20:28] [chat] [IoNuT[AK47]]: vreau in gang
[19:20:29] [chat] [DarkDay]: ! hai sa mai capturam
[19:20:30] [chat] [Alex312000]: baaaaaaaa
[19:20:33] [death] Joker123456 died 54
[19:20:34] [chat] [SniperYT]: w
[19:20:38] [chat] [DarkDay]: g
[19:20:41] [chat] [bogdan223]: andrei vi cu mine sa capturam un agng
[19:21:05] [chat] [andrei]: da unde estiw
[19:21:05] [part] BOGHY has left the server (15:1)
[19:21:06] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[19:21:07] [connection] incoming connection: id: 15
[19:21:08] [join] Pikachu2 has joined the server (15:
[19:21:08] Loaded 0 vehicles from Pikachu2
[19:21:24] [chat] [Pikachu2]: hi all
[19:21:25] [chat] [andrei]: v/
[19:21:32] [chat] [Pikachu2]: admins
[19:21:43] [chat] [andrei]: unde esti bogdi
[19:21:46] [chat] [Ionutzz]: !tre sa ies imi lasi mesaj
[19:21:50] [part] Ionutzz has left the server (13:1)
[19:21:53] [death] eDuarD died 255
[19:21:56] [chat] [Pikachu2]: all /os
[19:21:59] [chat] [bogdan223]: la sf
[19:21:59] [kill] IoNuT[AK47] killed Pikachu2 Desert Eagle
[19:22:02] [chat] [Pikachu2]: hey
[19:22:06] [chat] [[SA]iMiG]: co4Wk3Xo2r
[19:22:08] [kill] IoNuT[AK47] killed eDuarD Desert Eagle
[19:22:08] [chat] [unsingurgabor]: co4Wk3Xo2r
[19:22:08] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:22:08] [debug]  Accessing element at index 15 past array upper bound 14
[19:22:08] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:22:08] [debug] #0 0003c464 in public OnPlayerLeaveZone (0x0000000f) from IS.amx
[19:22:13] [chat] [unsingurgabor]: co4Wk3Xo2r
[19:22:15] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:22:15] [debug]  Accessing element at index 15 past array upper bound 14
[19:22:15] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:22:15] [debug] #0 0003c464 in public OnPlayerLeaveZone (0x0000000f) from IS.amx
[19:22:15] [chat] [andrei]: de unde ne cumparam un gang
[19:22:17] [death] boschete died 53
[19:22:21] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[19:22:22] [connection] incoming connection: id: 13
[19:22:22] [chat] [andrei]: ?
[19:22:22] [join] Lucagamer26 has joined the server (13:
[19:22:22] Loaded 0 vehicles from Lucagamer26
[19:22:23] [chat] [bogdan223]: nu stiu
[19:22:27] [chat] [bogdan223]: drak
[19:22:31] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:22:31] [debug]  Accessing element at index 15 past array upper bound 14
[19:22:31] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:22:31] [debug] #0 0003c464 in public OnPlayerLeaveZone (0x0000000f) from IS.amx
[19:22:36] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:22:36] [debug]  Accessing element at index 15 past array upper bound 14
[19:22:36] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:22:36] [debug] #0 0003c464 in public OnPlayerLeaveZone (0x0000000f) from IS.amx
[19:22:38] [death] eDuarD died 54
[19:22:42] [chat] [bogdan223]: drak
[19:22:42] [chat] [Pikachu2]: help
[19:22:48] [chat] [bogdan223]: drak
[19:22:56] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:22:56] [debug]  Accessing element at index 15 past array upper bound 14
[19:22:56] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:22:56] [debug] #0 0003c464 in public OnPlayerLeaveZone (0x0000000f) from IS.amx
[19:23:06] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:23:06] [debug]  Accessing element at index 15 past array upper bound 14
[19:23:06] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:23:06] [debug] #0 0003c464 in public OnPlayerLeaveZone (0x0000000f) from IS.amx
[19:23:10] [death] Joker123456 died 54
[19:23:12] [chat] [bogdan223]: drak
[19:23:16] [chat] [bogdan223]: andrei
[19:23:17] Only create trains with AddStaticVehicle/Ex
[19:23:20] [chat] [andrei]: daw
[19:23:21] [chat] [Pikachu2]: wtf
[19:23:27] [chat] [bogdan223]: cati bani ai
function OnPlayerLeaveZone( playerid )
	if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ InMG ][ 0 ] == 1 || PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ InMG ][ 1 ] == 1 ||
	PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ InMG ][ 2 ] == 1 || PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ InMG ][ 5 ] == 1 ||
	PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ InDM ] == 1 || Minigamer_{ playerid } == true || PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ InDerby ] == 1 )
	    if( GetPVarInt( playerid, "InDerby" ) )
			RemovePlayerFromDerby( playerid, 2 );
	    PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ InDerby ] = 0;
        Iter_Remove(DerbyPlayers, playerid);
        BloodringFull[ playerid ] = 0;
	   	PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ PlayerInBloodring ] = -1;
	   	SetPlayerInterior( playerid, 0 );
	   	TogglePlayerControllable( playerid, true );
	   	SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, 0 );

	   	if( Iter_Count(DerbyPlayers) == 0 )
		    DerbyPlaying = 0;
		    RespawnBloodrings( );
		SetPlayerWeather( playerid, 2 );
		SetPlayerTime( playerid, 14, 0 );
		SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, 0 );
		ResetPlayerWeapons( playerid );
		PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ InDM ] = 0;
		DMInfo[ playerid ][ MG ] = 0;
		DMInfo[ playerid ][ DeagleDM ] = 0;
		DMInfo[ playerid ][ OS ] = 0;
		DMInfo[ playerid ][ M4DM ] = 0;
		DMInfo[ playerid ][ AsztechDM ] = 0;
		DMInfo[ playerid ][ JDM ] = 0;
		DMInfo[ playerid ][ CSI ] = 0;
		DMInfo[ playerid ][ CSDD ] = 0;
		DMInfo[ playerid ][ ShellDM ] = 0;
		DMInfo[ playerid ][ SDM ] = 0;
		PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ InMG ][ 0 ] = 0;
		PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ InMG ][ 1 ] = 0;
		PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ InMG ][ 2 ] = 0;
		PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ InMG ][ 5 ] = 0;
		DMInfo[ playerid ][ MRF ] = 0;
		Iter_Remove( FalloutPlayers, playerid );
		Minigamer_{ playerid } = false;
		DisablePlayerCheckpoint( playerid );
		DisablePlayerRaceCheckpoint( playerid );
		KillTimer( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ MazeT ] );
		TogglePlayerControllable( playerid, true );
		SpawnPlayer( playerid );
	return 1;
Can someone help me? xD
+ I have problems with one of my Gang. ( ID 7 ): Los Santos Vagos.
There sets Total Members with: -
Ex: Total Gang Members in the database are: -6 , almost always....
And sets idk when, to all players ID Gang: 7, and automatically rank: 1..

Images: Database:

Gangs Tabel: ( Gang ID: 7 ) - Los Santos Vagos:

Thx .
Help ? Please.

Don't store something that can be calculated. You can get the number of gang members using a COUNT() on the player's table.

Can you be more explicit ? I'm new with Mysql.. my real problem is that:

Can someone help ?, I really need help..
Anytime when i post here, nobody helps me for real xD.


19:26:31] [debug] Accessing element at index 22 past array upper bound 14
[19:26:31] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:26:31] [debug] #0 0003d840 in public OnPlayerLeaveZone (0x00000016) from IS.amx
[19:26:38] [kill] Robert.R killed Joker123456 Minigun
[19:26:39] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:26:39] [debug] Accessing element at index 22 past array upper bound 14
[19:26:39] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:26:39] [debug] #0 0003d840 in public OnPlayerLeaveZone (0x00000016) from IS.amx
[19:26:42] [chat] [MassiveCola]: vreau
[19:26:44] [part] davidof123 has left the server (24:1)
[19:26:46] [chat] [thedaryblow]: hai sa fie si nebunaticul prieten cu noi
[19:26:46] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:26:46] [debug] Accessing element at index 22 past array upper bound 14
[19:26:46] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:26:46] [debug] #0 0003d840 in public OnPlayerLeaveZone (0x00000016) from IS.amx
[19:26:48] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:26:48] [debug] Accessing element at index 22 past array upper bound 14
[19:26:48] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:26:48] [debug] #0 0003d840 in public OnPlayerLeaveZone (0x00000016) from IS.amx
[19:26:48] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:26:48] [debug] Accessing element at index 22 past array upper bound 14
[19:26:48] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:26:48] [debug] #0 0003d840 in public OnPlayerLeaveZone (0x00000016) from IS.amx
[19:26:49] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:26:49] [debug] Accessing element at index 22 past array upper bound 14
[19:26:49] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:26:49] [debug] #0 0003d840 in public OnPlayerLeaveZone (0x00000016) from IS.amx

and this

[19:07:00] ================================================== ==
[19:07:00] Error ID: 1065
[ERROR]: Query was empty
[19:07:00] ================================================== ==


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