The people hack my rcon password, help please...

Hackers or something have my server rcon password and banned all people, and if i change the rcon password the hackers have it!

Please help me!

And sorry for my bad english, I speak spanish...

Do you maybe have your server files uploaded in folder in which you can access though web?

Maybe just dont use "123", "qwerty", "password" etc?

There is an rcon password hacker but it only hacks simple passwords. Try making your password longer and more complex. Or make it to where it changes the password every startup and prints it in the console.

I know know that programs i have searched it
they get y rcon pass to so i searched the program to find how to create someting to lock it
ok you need to change your rcon password to (example)
then create a command that get the pass so you can see what the pass is

Another idea.

Make admin player who connects with IP, and set pass to dh@YR5dgh2 or smth liek taht.

You can't script a rcon admin [size=2pt]I think

Thanks for all.

is the ban list saying "RCON BAN" ? or is it IN-GAME BAN, because perhaps they're hacking admin and not RCON, in which case you should script your OnPlayerCommandText to ban a player if they're admin is higher than highest

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