SetPlayerHealth bug

Hey guys I am having a bug, when I set someone's HP to 1000, it sets his IG (getplayerhealth) HP to 293, what should I do?


What about telling everyone what was the problem and how did you fix it?

Even though the health can be set to near infinite values on the server side, the individual clients will only report values up to 255. Anything higher will wrap around; 256 becomes 0, 257 becomes 1, etc.
I know you meant that he should learn how to respond with the solutions but something tells me he will never come back to this thread ever again anyways.

Originally Posted by GoldenLion
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What about telling everyone what was the problem and how did you fix it?
I agree with GoldenLion, remember, after a few years, people might be having the same problem, searching for help, and they might find this topic, in hope of finding the solution... Just a quick tip for the future.

Originally Posted by Hansrutger
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I know you meant that he should learn how to respond with the solutions but something tells me he will never come back to this thread ever again anyways.
Haha, actually I will ever get back to this thread, I am checking threads opened by me and if the response is new I enter, no matter if I got an answer or not, because I might have a newer answer.

O.T - After reading the actual post about GetPlayerHealth() I realized that if the player has more than 255 HP it's saved (for the saver) as 255, any amount above will be the amount - 256, AKA: 256 - 0, 257 - 1 and so on.
So I have 2 options, maximize the amount of HP to 255 or, ughm, find another method of Anti Health Hack

If you want to create some kind of admin invincibility, then I suggest you set the health of a player everytime they take the damage (OnPlayerTakeDamage(...) callback), alternatively OnPlayerUpdate to keep resetting them.

Specifically for anti-hack, I suggest you very much use OnPlayerUpdate and set their health (SetPlayerHealth) by having it saved down into a player enum everytime it changes.

Example of what I mean:
enum playerInfo{
new pInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][playerInfo];

     GetPlayerHealth(playerid, pInfo[playerid][pHealth]);
     return 1;

     SetPlayerHealth(playerid, pInfo[playerid][pHealth]);
     return 1;
That way the health is considered somewhat server-sided and not client-sided. If they would "cheat" to set their health, it would never save it down to pInfo[playerid][pHealth] and therefore their HP would still set to what was previously used. This is just an example however and there are more ways to do it!

Originally Posted by Hansrutger
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If you want to create some kind of admin invincibility, then I suggest you set the health of a player everytime they take the damage (OnPlayerTakeDamage(...) callback), alternatively OnPlayerUpdate to keep resetting them.

Specifically for anti-hack, I suggest you very much use OnPlayerUpdate and set their health (SetPlayerHealth) by having it saved down into a player enum everytime it changes.

Example of what I mean:
enum playerInfo{
new pInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][playerInfo];

     GetPlayerHealth(playerid, pInfo[playerid][pHealth]);
     return 1;

     SetPlayerHealth(playerid, pInfo[playerid][pHealth]);
     return 1;
That way the health is considered somewhat server-sided and not client-sided. If they would "cheat" to set their health, it would never save it down to pInfo[playerid][pHealth] and therefore their HP would still set to what was previously used. This is just an example however and there are more ways to do it!
I have a better solution
If you /sethp someone's HP to higher than 255, you get blocked and are being told to use /god.

/god is a command I just made further to this question, simply if(GodMode[hitid]) return 0; under OnPlayerWeaponShot

Thanks anyways for trying mate
My anti hack is quiet more powerful, if your HP (getplayerhealth) or armor != your HP / AP variable, Banned.
That's why it's so hard to make it, to prevent ANY unnecessary bans

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