22.10.2016, 21:17
Последний раз редактировалось denNorske; 01.11.2016 в 17:03.
[sampgdk:error] Too many callback arguments (at most 32 allowed) [sampgdk:error] Too many callback arguments (at most 32 allowed) [sampgdk:error] Too many callback arguments (at most 32 allowed) [sampgdk:error] Too many callback arguments (at most 32 allowed)
I'm questioning as anyone else would do, how can I basically step forward to track down my issue? I don't get any warnings or errors, nothing about heap under-/overflow, neither do I have any knowledge when this started happening as it's a server I took over from someone else last year.
I do use Icognitos streamer, MySQL R39-5, Whirlpool and sscanf as plugins.
Around 50-60 players + the frequency of the half-crashes increases, and with crashdetect installed I get no other information than suddenly 100k lines with that error i started with (which basically increases the size of the logs tremendously haha).
I'm also focused on not having too big string sizes or too large arrays in my gamemode, so it's basically an optimized script.
Have anyone in here had the issue, and can someone briefly explain how the error happens? Can it be tracked more specifically down just than a memory issue? I'm very curious if i could learn something interesting about this, and looking forward to get some responses.
Would really help, as a half crash isn't quite directly possible to notice for a bash script to restart...