How you have learned SAMP Scripting and Web design Language

1. I was asking myself how too mutch players have learned Samp Scripting.

ME: I was playing an DM Server but it closed and got relased to samp forum.i tried to open it and starting editing it.
Then i was going good and learned.

2. I see also most of players here know wed develop language like HTML PHP etc.
How did you learned it ?

ME: Not learned yet.

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I have learned the coding language PAWN around 2011, My first ever scripted command is /heal under the blank gamemode HAHAHAHA! I encouraged myself to learn scripting right after the server I used to play in (Stunt=Fun) got shutdown. I was amazed at the time @ Stunt=Fun's admin system (later I found out it was LAdmin). I didn't really know how I got into this position right now.. but I can tell you, I have been through these rough path routines before I reached into this position. I learned how to speak English (there are still grammar errors though), I met some new friends whom helped me up to this day (they no longer play SA-MP though), and I learned how to be a good leader (leading stuffs, etc..)

How i learned SAMP scripting for the first time? I edited lvdm
And made gamemodes from the scratch later.

HTML? I should thanks w3schools because basic HTML structure and CSS with Photoshop.
So what i used for coding HTML? Notepad++ and Photoshop to design and slice up the template i made to link them in CSS

I learned scripting in C++ first in school (thanks to my teacher for this) and when i first came to this community i realised that people here use pawn.Knowledge in C++ programming made it easier for me to learn pawn (nothing was there to learn expect samp functions , #emit and AMX functions).
And about web designing i would also say thanks to w3schools

I learned (still learning) pawn coding a while back.Watching tutorials on *******, editing gamemodes and learning by myself, mostly and occasionally read some tutorials made on the forums.

Same as Keith. I worked with him to edit game modes and stuff but now that he has moved on. I am doing solo.

I've learned how to script from an Irish friend who taught me everything he knew. I learned HTML at school :P

Why is this getting asked so many times?

Does no-one actually search anymore?

Pawn is totally different to HTML... Why do people always ask about both these things?

One is a programming language, the other is a markup language.

Even though your intention is probably to make a nice website for your "community", that you plan to have some script 'made', it's still unrelated.

I started with C# a long while back, after learning BASIC and PASCAL. Pawn was an easy step up from there.

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