30.08.2016, 17:38
i had an issue where i clicked /myhouses and it showed all houses but it was fixed
and now the problem is when someone buys a house or even the bought before it gets reseted when the server restarts
i dont really know whats the issue - if i sell a house to someone next restart it will be all reseted and location wont be saved where it was moved at
house enums
i had an issue where i clicked /myhouses and it showed all houses but it was fixed
and now the problem is when someone buys a house or even the bought before it gets reseted when the server restarts
i dont really know whats the issue - if i sell a house to someone next restart it will be all reseted and location wont be saved where it was moved at
house enums
enum HouseF { HouseID, Float:House_x, Float:House_y, Float:House_z, _Hvirtual, hPickup, hPickup1, Text3D:hLabel, tmpowner[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], tmpbuyable, tmprentable, tmprentprice, Float:Garage_x, Float:Garage_y, Float:Garage_z, Text3D:gLabel, Garage, }