Anti health hack problem

So guys I made an anti health hack system and it doesn't work for some reason.
When i connect to my server I don't get my old stats from database and every command is unknown O.O

Here is the code:

new Float:newhealth[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Float:oldhealth[MAX_PLAYERS];

forward SetPlayerHealthEx(playerid, Float:hp);
forward BKACHealth();

SetTimer("BKACHealth", 1000, true);

public SetPlayerHealthEx(playerid, Float:hp)
	new Float:health;
	oldhealth[playerid] = GetPlayerHealth(playerid, health);
	SetPlayerHealthEx(playerid, hp);
	newhealth[playerid] = hp;
	return 1;

public BKACHealth()
	new Float:hp, msg[128];
	for(new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++)
	    GetPlayerHealth(i, hp);
		if(hp > newhealth[i])
		    if(pInfo[i][pLogged] == 1 && ocitan[i] == 1)
				KickWithMessage(i, COLOR_INFO, "Kikovani ste sa servera!Razlog:Money hack.");
				format(msg, sizeof(msg), "BK|AC:Igrac %s je kikovan sa servera! Razlog:Health Hack.", GetName(i));
	return 1;
Can somebody help me? Thx

No need to make Anti HH

You can use custom damage OnPlayerGiveDamage or OnPlayerTakeDamage

Ye thx but nevermind I fixed it..

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