@JaKe Elite, do you want me to sort and changes the commands for each level so it looks better and more reasonable? right now the commands for each level are quite.. retarded
Here it is anyway..
Level 1 - Moderator
/getinfo, /weaps, /vr, /repair, /ltune, /lhy, /lnos, /asay
/morning, /reports, /richlist, /miniguns, /saveplace, /gotoplace
/saveskin, /useskin, /dontuseskin, /setmytime, /ip, /lconfig, /warn, /slap
Admin Chat: # (Ex; #Hi I am Jake)
Level 2 - Head Moderator
/giveweapon, /setcolor, /burn, /spawn, /disarm, /lcar, /lbike, /jetpack
/lheli, /lboat, /lplane, /highlight, /announce(2), /screen, /flip
(/v-l-goto), /fu, /jailed, /frozen, (/un)mute, /muted
/lspec(off), /lspecvehicle, /clearchat, /lmenu, /ltele, /cm, /ltmenu, /write
Level 3 - Administrator
/sethealth, /setarmour, /setcash, /setscore, /setskin, /setwanted, /setweather
/settime, /setworld, /setinterior, /force, /eject, (/s)bankrupt, /ubound, /lweaps, /lammo
/countdown, /car, /carhealth, /carcolor, /setping, /setgravity, /destroycar
/teleplayer, /vget, /givecar, /gethere, /get, /kick, /explode, (/un)jail, (/un)freeze
/akill, /disablechat, /caps, /move(player), /healall, /armourall,
/lweather, /ltime, /lweapons, /setpass
Level 4 - Lead Administrator
/enable, /disable, (/r)ban, /spam, /god(car), /die, /uconfig
(/un)lockserver, /forbid(name/word), /spawnall, /disarmall
/muteall (/un)freezeall, /kickall, /slapall, /ejectall, /setname
/unmuteall, /getall, /killall,, /explodeall, /crash, /setallskin, /setallwanted
/setallweather, /setalltime, /setallworld, /setallscore, /setallcash, /giveallcash, /giveallweapon
Level 5 - Management Admin
/setlevel, /reloadladmin, /gmx, /settemplevel
Changes are
/slap & /warn (Originally level 2 commands) switched to Level 1 due he's a Trial Moderator atleast gives him the slap ability to record something or see if the one he suspect is health hacking or not, warn is just temporary to see if he would abuse it or not
/setallskin, /setallwanted /setallweather, /setalltime, /setallworld, /setallscore, /setallcash, /giveallcash, /giveallweapon /setname (Level 3) has been switched to level 4 since it's more reasonable for someone near Owner's/Manager's rank to have it rather than leaving it to some Administrator
About one specific command /god should just be a VIP player command instead of admin having the ability to do it, if you were to think of it shouldn't /onduty for an admin that's on theirs duty will have the unlimited health.. right?