04.06.2016, 14:41
hi.. why i get this error in my sql?
[19:23:17] Incoming connection: id: 0 [19:23:17] [join] Test_Name has joined the server (0: [19:23:28] [MySQL] Query Error - (ErrorID: 1364) (Handle: 1) [19:23:28] [MySQL] Check mysql_log.txt to review the query that threw the error. [19:23:28] Dumping query from 2016/6/4 (19:23:28) Description: Field 'id' doesn't have a default value (index 0). Query: [19:23:28] INSERT INTO `accounts` (`RegiDate`, `LastLogin`, `Username`, `Key`) VALUES (NOW(), NOW(), 'Test_Name','24CF1A1E02ED12BCC5261147C131D271CD22D8C17AAFAC5ECDCC4A0FF91DAD086F8BBFED48D9284B2D54D7FBABFC8DB2C748F7E0402945FD38717690B3DF09B3') [19:25:24] [part] Test_Name has left the server (0:2)