20.05.2016, 04:30
This function is good, but it's possible to insert GetPlayerFacingAngle somehow? because i want get camera pos that angle what you are facing not how you face your camera with mouse
new Float:fPX, Float:fPY, Float:fPZ, Float:fVX, Float:fVY, Float:fVZ, Float:object_x, Float:object_y, Float:object_z; // Change me to change the scale you want. A larger scale increases the distance from the camera. // A negative scale will inverse the vectors and make them face in the opposite direction. const Float:fScale = 5.0; GetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, fPX, fPY, fPZ); GetPlayerCameraFrontVector(playerid, fVX, fVY, fVZ); object_x = fPX + floatmul(fVX, fScale); object_y = fPY + floatmul(fVY, fScale); object_z = fPZ + floatmul(fVZ, fScale); CreateObject(345, object_x, object_y, object_z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);