How to stop actor's animation after the Player stops targetting actor?

Hi, so there's this script that if player targets the actor, he starts doing the hands up animation, but how do I make it stop just when the player stops targetting him?

pawn Code:
if(playerTargetActor != INVALID_ACTOR_ID)
        new playerWeapon = GetPlayerWeapon(playerid);

        new keys, updown, leftright;
        GetPlayerKeys(playerid, keys, updown, leftright);

        if(!ActorHandsup[playerTargetActor] && playerWeapon >= 22 && playerWeapon <= 42 && keys & KEY_AIM)
            ApplyActorAnimation(playerTargetActor, "SHOP", "SHP_HandsUp_Scr",4.1,0,0,0,1,0);

            ActorHandsup[playerTargetActor] = true;
    return 1;

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