Actors - Zombies

if it is possible to make thousends zombies on los santos walking over the street and make him walk only like drunk animation and make him little inteligence (mean: not climbing only attack (punch) but walk only like drunk animation) when they hear sound coming after player... but when player crouch they dont attach if player is not too close to them...) Thanks in advance (btw: this is for my Walking Dead Server soo if someone can help will be amazing

ooh i forgot and set him punch damage?

I believe you can not make actors moving, you can only apply animations to them.

However, you can create NPC's for this but they would take player slots. If you need help with NPC's, PM me.

More info about the actors;

Actors only support animations, you cannot put them into vehicle or to give to them weapons.

i just want they walk on streets like drunk animation (not run, Not climbing) and when they see player close to them or hear sound go after them and fight and set him punch damage .... this is all

Yes, it is possible. I have done it already.

500 zombies on my server

whoa how?

Originally Posted by czerwony03
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Yes, it is possible. I have done it already.

500 zombies on my server
How the fuck have you done that bruh?

Sadly no. Kalcor removed the ability for actors to move from their positions their XYZ are locked. Drunk animation wouldn't do any good, and not many functions for actors that will help you otherwise. I'd use RNPC or FCNPC and move along from there.

@czerwony03 Did you use NPCS? Actors XYZ's are locked.

Actors move only on the client side.

I'm using FCNPC plugin.

Probably, I will be back with this script soon on

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