
Hello guys. Tittle explains pretty much what i need. I am working on a manager basketball game(pretty simple at the moment) but i want to make some pretty simple and usual features like Menus? or showing the tactics(as a coach) in a board so irst of all i need a Photoshop and secondly something to combine it with C to come to this result. So what is this programm that could help me make some Graphics for C. Is there any tutorial around? I noticed that there is a library named GTK+ for Graphic User Interface. Does it have some specific dialog creations or i can handle it by my own. Do you suggest other programm for Graphic User Interface creation that it is related to C?

P.S: Don't ask why C. It is just because i want to work on it

I used Game maker studio to make only basic game menus, its pretty fun and easy.

I remember working using graphics for C, there is one library known as graphics.h but can be only used in old and outdated compilers such as TurboC/C++.

However, I remember using a plugin to get graphics.h working in Code::Blocks.

I have never heard of GTK+ though.

Why do you ask this here? Sure, maybe someone knows a good lib or include, but there are whole forums dedicated to C. If you ****** your own question you already get more legit results than in all future answers on this topic.

With GTK+ you can do almost anything, from standard forms and windows to creating widget-like windows.
However it's commonly used for Desktop applications, some Unix/Linux distributions use GTK+ for the graphical environment.

For a game there are probably better ones, like ScaleForm but that is not free afaik.

As posters mentioned before me, you should probably go to a C forum, i'm not trying to be a d**k but a dedicated C or programming forum will give you much better results than we ever could. However, it depends entirely on the program you intend on making. So googling and using dedicated forums for programming would be your best bet.

SDL lib :/


Originally Posted by KingHual
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alternatively try geckofx if you dont like memory leaks

Originally Posted by Duck
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alternatively try geckofx if you dont like memory leaks
nice meme

Originally Posted by Duck
Посмотреть сообщение
alternatively try geckofx if you dont like memory leaks
.net tbh

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