
Hey guys.
i am interested on a game mode that have vehicle (de)spawn system if you know any please give me a link of it, i found no tutorials to make one so.if you dont know what is vehicle despawn system , its like NGRP one

Learn basic PAWN coding including different methods of storing data, then figure the script out yourself. As you're not familiar with pawn I assume you're not comfortable with SQL. I would hence recommend storing the data in .ini files.

i am familiary with Pawn and i know scripting well but the problem is that i dont know where to start it so , if there would be a little tutorial wouldnt be that bad

Start by creating the function/command for spawning the vehicle. Once you've done that, decide how you want to save the vehicle/despawn it. And work on that method. Could be by saving vehicle info and despawning when player disconnects, or you could create a spawn and despawn command.

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