Posts: 449
Threads: 125
Joined: Apr 2013
Hello guys , i have a question for you! My gm is very optimized but it's still a little bit lag on server at 500/500 , i have sleep set on 5 , should i decrease it to improve the performance? At 500/500 what sleep value is recommended for using?
Posts: 342
Threads: 34
Joined: Jun 2011
What do you mean by sleep?
The only, things I know about that is the command "sleep" to make the computer wait like "sleep 4000" for a 4 second wait. But you should use that I think.
Is it possible that maybe there are mistakes between some "<" and "<=" and maybe at exactly 500/500 players, the last player overlaps something? I would not think so because in my experience, it tend to just crash the server completly.
Trying to help here, but can you be more specific about "sleep". Is it possible that it is just one of your own variable?
Thank you,