[Server Help] - Mapping

Hello, in my server I have a couple mappers that are pretty good but I keep getting a problem with their mappings. The problem is when I import their mappings it works and all, but ingame their mappings are there but the other mappigns that where there before theirs are bugged. Either a hole of space or they are just not there. I would like to know a way to fix this asap as my server goes up officially soon. Please and thank you. And also Happy New Years !

U mean?some map not shown?

If u use
CreateDynamicObject,u must put it all.

If u use CreateObject,u also must put it all.

Like this
if CreateObject in GM,u must use CreateObject
if CreateDynamicObject,u must use CreateDynamicObject only -.-

BRo put all Codes In OnGamemodeInit Both CreateBoject And CreateDynamic Objects
and if u use CreateDynamic Objects add at top #include <streamer>

Elegy I really don't like how you said it like that but I am putting the whole code, say I have the mappings in and they work fine no problems and when I restart they are gone then they come back in the next restart.

use #include <streamer>

then,put CreateDynamicObject
Public OnGameModeInit

or,if u have same problem,try ask a pro.
Or recompile Ur Gamemode.

Wait,maybe ur connection is too slow

YEa elegy is correct "maybe ur connection is too slow"

Yes,i also got same problem.
If same object are close , and some object will not load properly due connection is too slow

Yea its Damm true and in your server the mappers will done some mistakes Like they have done more maps Diifferent fo they wont know what others mappers maping so they map the place were the other map has obejct in that place so check your map again and import again..

Sry for bad english

Yes,if ur connection very slow,and u go to place that have many object,object couldnt load map properly.so,u must fix ur connection

Thanks to you guys for your help, I have taken your help into consideration and fixed the problem.

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