Help with saving!

Hello, i've been scripting for a while now and have got a fully saving system, but for some reason it doesn't save on my pc. i've paid for hosters and everything just to test my server, as it only saves on the hoster, it's really wired, if any of you know how to fix this, it would be great!

This is what happens with i save something:

This is what it saves like on hosters:

Don't know if i posted this in the right place, but oh well, if you know how to fix this please tell me!
thank you

I had this problem before, turns out it was the hosting company's fault, the system wasen't working correctly they said.

It may be another issue that is causing this tho, I don't know.

Nah, the hoster works fine, it's when i am trying to save stuff on my computer, that the file turns up empty

Originally Posted by LeXuZ
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Nah, the hoster works fine, it's when i am trying to save stuff on my computer, that the file turns up empty
Ow I see, have you created the folder for saving users in scriptfiles?

Yes, everything works, i've tested it all on my old vps, but couldn't pay for it and need to test on my computer, but nothing saves on my computer, it's really wired, i've tried so many ways of doing it

Does anyone know how to fix this, last time bumbing this, it would be great for once not having to pay for a hoster every time I need to test
Thank you

It's fixed now, just needed to run the server.exe in administration lol

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