01.10.2015, 09:03
Idk how to do to when player login (enter password correct), check:
if he is a member to a faction, check in he faction members (list) if he is a member and set he officer
if he is a member to a faction, check in he faction members (list) if he is a member and set he officer
if(fmembro[playerid] > 0) { if you are still in the member list and was not fired if he is not on member list, sendclientmsg: You are fired! && set he officer: fcargo[playerid] = FactionInfo[IDFAC][cargoofplayer]; }
enum factioninfos { ID, facname[32], membro1[30], membro2[30], membro3[30], membro4[30], membro5[30], membro6[30], membro7[30], membro8[30], membro9[30], membro10[30], membro11[30], membro12[30], membro13[30], membro14[30], membro15[30], cargo1, cargo2, cargo3, cargo4, cargo5, cargo6, cargo7, cargo8, cargo9, cargo10, cargo11, cargo12, cargo13, cargo14, cargo15 }