Mysql help

Hello, i have a problem with mysql register part, seems it doesnt save the player account. If i register, then quit and i re-enter, i have to register again. This is mysql_log:


Log("07:19:44","mysql_connect",4,"host: \"*****\", user: \"****\", database: \"****\", password: \"****\", port: 3306, autoreconnect: true",0);
Log("07:19:44","CMySQLHandle::Create",4,"creating new connection..",0);
Log("07:19:44","CMySQLHandle::CMySQLHandle",4,"con structor called",0);
Log("07:19:44","CMySQLHandle::Create",4,"connectio n created with ID = 1",0);
Log("07:19:44","CMySQLConnection::Connect",4,"conn ection was successful",0);
Log("07:19:44","CMySQLConnection::Connect",4,"auto-reconnect has been enabled",0);
Log("07:19:44","CMySQLConnection::Connect",4,"conn ection was successful",0);
Log("07:19:44","CMySQLConnection::Connect",4,"auto-reconnect has been enabled",0);
Log("07:19:44","mysql_errno",4,"connection: 1",0);
Log("07:23:34","mysql_tquery",4,"connection: 0, query: \"SELECT * FROM `Bans` WHERE (`Username` = 'TestAcc' OR `IP` = '93\", callback: \"(null)\", format: \"(null)\"",0);
Log("07:23:34",""mysql_tquery"",1,"invalid connection handle (ID = 0)",0);
Log("07:23:34","cache_get_row_count",4,"connection : 1",0);
Log("07:23:34","cache_get_row_count",2,"no active cache",0);
Log("07:23:34","cache_get_row_count",4,"connection : 1",0);
Log("07:23:34","cache_get_row_count",2,"no active cache",0);
Log("07:23:34","mysql_tquery",4,"connection: 1, query: \"UPDATE ServerStats SET TotalJoins = TotalJoins + 1\", callback: \"(null)\", format: \"(null)\"",0);
Log("07:23:34","CMySQLQuery::CMySQLQuery()",4,"con structor called",0);
Log("07:23:34","mysql_tquery",4,"scheduling query \"UPDATE ServerStats SET TotalJoins = TotalJoins + 1\"..",0);
Log("07:23:34","CMySQLQuery::Execute[()]",4,"starting query execution",1);
Log("07:23:34","CMySQLQuery::Execute[()]",4,"query was successful",1);
Log("07:23:34","CMySQLQuery::Execute[()]",4,"no callback specified, skipping result saving",1);
Log("07:23:34","CMySQLQuery::Execute[()]",4,"data being passed to ProcessCallbacks()",1);
Log("07:23:34","CMySQLQuery::~CMySQLQuery()",4,"de constructor called",0);
Log("07:23:38","mysql_escape_string",4,"source: \"123456\", connection: 1, max_len: 100",0);
Log("07:23:38","mysql_tquery",4,"connection: 0, query: \"INSERT INTO players (Username, Password, IP, RegisterDate) VALUE\", callback: \"(null)\", format: \"(null)\"",0);
Log("07:23:38",""mysql_tquery"",1,"invalid connection handle (ID = 0)",0);
Log("07:23:38","mysql_tquery",4,"connection: 0, query: \"UPDATE ServerStats SET TotalAccounts = TotalAccounts + 1\", callback: \"(null)\", format: \"(null)\"",0);
Log("07:23:38",""mysql_tquery"",1,"invalid connection handle (ID = 0)",0);
Log("07:23:38","mysql_format",4,"connection: 1, len: 500, format: \"SELECT `TotalAccounts` FROM `ServerStats`\"",0);
Log("07:24:15","mysql_tquery",4,"connection: 0, query: \"SELECT * FROM `Bans` WHERE (`Username` = 'TestAcc' OR `IP` = '93\", callback: \"(null)\", format: \"(null)\"",0);
Log("07:24:15",""mysql_tquery"",1,"invalid connection handle (ID = 0)",0);
Log("07:24:15","cache_get_row_count",4,"connection : 1",0);
Log("07:24:15","cache_get_row_count",2,"no active cache",0);
Log("07:24:15","cache_get_row_count",4,"connection : 1",0);
Log("07:24:15","cache_get_row_count",2,"no active cache",0);
Log("07:24:15","mysql_tquery",4,"connection: 1, query: \"UPDATE ServerStats SET TotalJoins = TotalJoins + 1\", callback: \"(null)\", format: \"(null)\"",0);
Log("07:24:15","CMySQLQuery::CMySQLQuery()",4,"con structor called",0);
Log("07:24:15","mysql_tquery",4,"scheduling query \"UPDATE ServerStats SET TotalJoins = TotalJoins + 1\"..",0);
Log("07:24:15","CMySQLQuery::Execute[()]",4,"starting query execution",1);
Log("07:24:15","CMySQLQuery::Execute[()]",4,"query was successful",1);
Log("07:24:15","CMySQLQuery::Execute[()]",4,"no callback specified, skipping result saving",1);
Log("07:24:15","CMySQLQuery::Execute[()]",4,"data being passed to ProcessCallbacks()",1);
Log("07:24:15","CMySQLQuery::~CMySQLQuery()",4,"de constructor called",0);
Log("07:24:17","mysql_escape_string",4,"source: \"123456\", connection: 1, max_len: 100",0);
Log("07:24:17","mysql_tquery",4,"connection: 0, query: \"INSERT INTO players (Username, Password, IP, RegisterDate) VALUE\", callback: \"(null)\", format: \"(null)\"",0);
Log("07:24:17",""mysql_tquery"",1,"invalid connection handle (ID = 0)",0);
Log("07:24:17","mysql_tquery",4,"connection: 0, query: \"UPDATE ServerStats SET TotalAccounts = TotalAccounts + 1\", callback: \"(null)\", format: \"(null)\"",0);
Log("07:24:17",""mysql_tquery"",1,"invalid connection handle (ID = 0)",0);
Log("07:24:17","mysql_format",4,"connection: 1, len: 500, format: \"SELECT `TotalAccounts` FROM `ServerStats`\"",0);

This is the server_log:


Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[07:19:44] Server Plugins
[07:19:44] --------------
[07:19:44] Loading plugin:
[07:19:44] >> plugin.mysql: R33 successfully loaded.
[07:19:44] Loaded.
[07:19:44] Loading plugin:

*** IRC Plugin v1.4.6 by Incognito loaded ***

[07:19:44] Loaded.
[07:19:44] Loading plugin:
[07:19:44] ==================
[07:19:44] Whirlpool loaded
[07:19:44] ==================
[07:19:44] Loaded.
[07:19:44] Loading plugin:
[07:19:44] CrashDetect v4.15.1 is OK.
[07:19:44] Loaded.
[07:19:44] Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.7 by Incognito loaded ***

[07:19:44] Loaded.
[07:19:44] Loading plugin:

[07:19:44] ===============================

[07:19:44] sscanf plugin loaded.

[07:19:44] Version: 2.8.1

[07:19:44] © 2012 Alex "******" Cole

[07:19:44] ===============================

[07:19:44] Loaded.
[07:19:44] Loaded 6 plugins.

[07:19:44] Filterscripts
[07:19:44] ---------------
[07:19:44] Loading filterscript 'sys.amx'...
[07:19:44] =======================================
[07:19:44] | |
[07:19:44] | YSI version 3.09.0684 |
[07:19:44] | By Alex "******" Cole |
[07:19:44] | |
[07:19:44] =======================================
[07:19:44] Successfully connected on DB ***
[07:19:44] -> Loaded Successfully!

[07:19:44] Date: 25/9/2015 - Time: 7:19:44
[07:19:44] __________________________________________________ _

[07:19:44] Loaded 1 filterscripts.

[07:19:44] Hot Room Loaded (TDM).
[07:19:44] ----------------------------------

[07:19:44] Number of vehicle models: 0
[07:23:32] [connection] ****** requests connection cookie.
[07:23:33] [connection] incoming connection: ***** id: 0
[07:23:34] [join] TestAcc has joined the server (0:****)
[07:23:34] IsPlayerBanned called.
[07:23:50] [part] TestAcc has left the server (0:1)
[07:24:13] [connection] ******* requests connection cookie.
[07:24:14] [connection] incoming connection: **** id: 0
[07:24:15] [join] TestAcc has joined the server (0:*******)
[07:24:15] IsPlayerBanned called.
[07:24:19] [part] TestAcc has left the server (0:1)

And this is the register callback:


]new rows = mysql_num_rows();
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""White"Please register",""White"Welcome to "Red""SERVER_NAME""White"!\n"White"In order to start playing, you have to register!\n\n"White"Please insert a password below:", "Register", "Cancel");
    if(rows == 1)
        new IPP[2][15];
        GetPlayerIp(playerid, IPP[1], 15);
        if(strlen(IPP[0]) != 0 && !strcmp(IPP[0], IPP[1], true))
        else if(!strlen(IPP[0]) || strcmp(IPP[0], IPP[1], true))
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""White"Please log-in", ""White"Welcome back to "Red""SERVER_NAME""White"!\n"White"In order to start playing, you have to log-in!\n\n"White"Please insert "Red"your"White" password below:", "Login", "Cancel");
            IsRegistered[playerid] = 1;
The stock:

stock MySQL_Register(playerid, passwordstring[])
    new query1[570], pname[24];
    new IPP[16];
    GetPlayerIp(playerid, IPP, sizeof(IPP));
    new Bannedby[20];
    format(Bannedby, 20, "Not Banned");
    GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24);
    new buff[129];
	WP_Hash(buff, 129, passwordstring);
	format(query1, sizeof(query1), "INSERT INTO players (Username, Password, IP, RegisterDate) VALUES('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", pname, buff, IPP, InsertTimeStamp());
    mysql_function_query(mConnectionHandle, query1, false, "", "");
    Logged[playerid] = 1;
    new stats[128];
	format(stats, sizeof(stats), "UPDATE ServerStats SET TotalAccounts = TotalAccounts + 1");
	mysql_function_query(mConnectionHandle, stats, false, "", "");
    new echo[130];
    new kname[24];
    new query[500];
    mysql_format(mysql, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT `TotalAccounts` FROM `ServerStats`");
    GetPlayerName(playerid, kname, 24);
    format(echo,sizeof(echo),"0,3** System: %s (%d) (IP: %s) has registered a new account - Total Registered Players %d",pname,playerid,query);
    IRC_GroupSay(groupID, IRC_ACHANNEL, echo);
    new string[128];
    format(string, sizeof(string), "{F2C80C}* %s (%d) {FFFFFF}has registered a new account. - Total Registered Players: {F2C80C}%d", pname,playerid,query);
	SCMTA(-1, string);
	new txd[128];
	format(txd,sizeof(txd),">> You are now registered to Epic Missions - {F2C80C}Username: %s (%d)",pname,playerid);
    SCM(playerid, -1, txd);
    return 1;
The dialog:

if(dialogid == DIALOG_REGISTER)
            if(CheckInput(inputtext)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000ff, "You cannot use this password.");
            if(!strlen(inputtext) || strlen(inputtext) > 100)
            	SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Please enter a password within the length of 1 - 100 characters.");
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""White"Please register",""White"Welcome to "Red""SERVER_NAME""White"!\n"White"In order to start playing, you have to register!\n\n"White"Please insert a password below:", "Register", "Cancel");
            else if(strlen(inputtext) > 0 && strlen(inputtext) < 100)
                new escpass[100];
                mysql_real_escape_string(inputtext, escpass);
                MySQL_Register(playerid, escpass);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "** To play you must be registered or logged in.");
        KickTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("KickPlayer",200,false,"d",playerid);
    if(dialogid == DIALOG_LOGIN)
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "** To play you must be registered or logged in.");
        KickTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("KickPlayer",200,false,"d",playerid);
            new pname[24], escapepass[100];
            GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24);
            mysql_real_escape_string(inputtext, escapepass);
            new query[217], buff[129];
			WP_Hash(buff, 129, inputtext);
			format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT `Username` FROM player WHERE Username = '%s' AND Password = '%s'", pname, buff);
            mysql_function_query(mConnectionHandle, query, false, "", "");
            new numrows = mysql_num_rows();
            if(numrows == 1) MySQL_Login(playerid);
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""White"Please log-in", ""White"Welcome back to "Red""SERVER_NAME""White"!\n"White"In order to start playing, you have to log-in!\n\n"White"Please insert "Red"your"White" password below:", "Login", "Cancel");
                GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~w~Wrong ~r~password.",2000,6);
And i checked the db, the account doesnt get created in the "players" table.

Can you show us a screen shot with your users table in mysql? The password hash might be too long for the field in MySQL.

Also, for some debugging, do this:

PHP код:
format(query1sizeof(query1), "INSERT INTO players (Username, Password, IP, RegisterDate) VALUES('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')"pnamebuffIPPInsertTimeStamp());
query1); // add this
Logged[playerid] = 1
And show us the server log afterwads.



Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[08:11:58] Server Plugins
[08:11:58] --------------
[08:11:58]  Loading plugin:
[08:11:58]  >> plugin.mysql: R33 successfully loaded.
[08:11:58]   Loaded.
[08:11:58]  Loading plugin:

*** IRC Plugin v1.4.6 by Incognito loaded ***

[08:11:58]   Loaded.
[08:11:58]  Loading plugin:
[08:11:58]  ==================
[08:11:58]   Whirlpool loaded
[08:11:58]  ==================
[08:11:58]   Loaded.
[08:11:58]  Loading plugin:
[08:11:58]   CrashDetect v4.15.1 is OK.
[08:11:58]   Loaded.
[08:11:58]  Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.7 by Incognito loaded ***

[08:11:58]   Loaded.
[08:11:58]  Loading plugin:

[08:11:58]  ===============================

[08:11:58]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[08:11:58]          Version:  2.8.1        

[08:11:58]    © 2012 Alex "******" Cole  

[08:11:58]  ===============================

[08:11:58]   Loaded.
[08:11:58]  Loaded 6 plugins.

[08:11:58] Filterscripts
[08:11:58] ---------------
[08:11:58]   Loading filterscript 'sys.amx'...
[08:11:58]  ======================================= 
[08:11:58]  |                                     | 
[08:11:58]  |        YSI version 3.09.0684        | 
[08:11:58]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[08:11:58]  |                                     | 
[08:11:58]  ======================================= 
[08:11:58] Successfully connected on DB **
[08:11:58]  -> Loaded Successfully!

[08:11:58]  Date: 25/9/2015 - Time: 8:11:58
[08:11:58]  ___________________________________________________

[08:11:58]   Loaded 1 filterscripts.

[08:11:58] Hot Room Loaded (TDM).
[08:11:58] ----------------------------------

[08:11:58] Number of vehicle models: 0
[08:13:05] [connection] ***** requests connection cookie.
[08:13:06] [connection] incoming connection: **** id: 0
[08:13:07] [join] TestAccc has joined the server (0:*****)
[08:13:07] IsPlayerBanned called.
[08:13:10] INSERT INTO players (Username, Password, IP, RegisterDate) VALUES('TestAccc', 'FD9D94340DBD72C11B37EBB0D2A19B4D05E00FD78E4E2CE8923B9EA3A54E900DF181CFB112A8A73228D1F3551680E2AD9701A4FCFB248FA7FA77B95180628BB2', '****', '25/9/2015 8:13:10')
[08:13:15] [part] TestAccc has left the server (0:1)

I see the problem. Your password field is defined as varchar(45).

This password hash : FD9D94340DBD72C11B37EBB0D2A19B4D05E00FD78E4E2CE892 3B9EA3A54E900DF181CFB112A8A73228D1F3551680E2AD9701 A4FCFB248FA7FA77B95180628BB2

is longer than 45. Try increasing your password field in the table to 255. See if it works then.

Same problem.

In the log i see "8:28:49] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery - connection: 0" for some queries, but in others is working good..the only problem is this..

When you register, does anything get insterted into the DB?

That code is really messed up. What version of MySQL plugin are you using exactly? I don't think so that mysql_function_query/mysql_tquery and functions like mysql_free_result, mysql_num_rows are part of same MySQL version. And the usage of mysql_function_query/mysql_tquery is wrong in that code. And also I don't see any code where you check if player is registered or not, nor do I see any query in mysql log which shows that you are checking if a player is registered or not. I would recommend you to read the tuts based on mysql cache functions before going on with fixing this.

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