Antidoss - antibug

when i'm plyingin server all is ok but one moment server is being freeze and hen i /relog there show server closed connection!

who can help me please ?

sorry for my english

/relog cmd bugged maybe

Please post the code for the command /relog

Most likely your server is trying to process an infinite loop. Check any "while", "for" codes.

can anyone explain exactly ? please

I have asked you to post the command /relog to see if it is causing the problem.

If it turns out it is not /relog it may be what Abagail said

Your server is stuck in a loop and can't process anything while inside the loop as I said you need to search and make sure all "for", "while" loops. For example a while loop that checks if 1 equals 2 never ends because 1 will never equal 2.

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