Capture Zone Positioning

How to position my capture zone ? this is the capturezone in gamemode

//zone name     			//minX      	//minY      	//maxX      	//maxY      //owner        //CPx       	//CPy       	//CPz         //others - not to be changed
{"Big Ear", 				-420.4035,	1471.412,	-245.2354, 	1646.58,		0,	    -298.1169,	1538.4077,	75.5625,    NO_TEAM, false, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, Text3D:-1},
But i dont know where i gonna get that numbers of position :/

I'll give you an exemple for the minX,minY,maxX,MaxY :

|....the area.|

So you get a point's X and Y coords, and an other's X and Y, and the area will be between them.

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