09.07.2015, 18:22
Hello everybody! I've thought about It for about a week and I got a lot of laughs idea 
Well I'm a boy that think that a ban for a player is too much (as if I got banned from my favourite server i surely get pissed off), and a normal kick wouldn't be enough. Well that is what i was thinking of:
CMD:autokill --> if playeradmin
Set a timer to 2 or 3 seconds and when a player spawn after this time he will get killed (SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 0))
and a:
topautokill --> ofc if is playeradmin to stop the above thing
then also/instead
CMD:autofall --> let the victim being teleported to a VERY HIGH coordinates and let him splat on the ground, when he respawn he goes again in loop.
topautofall --> stop the process above
I think it would be a nice trolling to who will be hacking/insulting/breaking balls

Well I'm a boy that think that a ban for a player is too much (as if I got banned from my favourite server i surely get pissed off), and a normal kick wouldn't be enough. Well that is what i was thinking of:
CMD:autokill --> if playeradmin
Set a timer to 2 or 3 seconds and when a player spawn after this time he will get killed (SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 0))
and a:

then also/instead
CMD:autofall --> let the victim being teleported to a VERY HIGH coordinates and let him splat on the ground, when he respawn he goes again in loop.

I think it would be a nice trolling to who will be hacking/insulting/breaking balls