Saving car coordinates when player left

Hi all! In my server there is a car dealership filterscript, where anyone can buy their car... But when they left the server, the cars get destroyed (disappear). There is a way to save the cars coordinates and when the user login he will found him car where he left?

did you create needed folders in scritfiles folder?

I HAVE MADE A LITTLE CODE HERE The car will be saved BUT When i try to get into the car i fall under the map and so can't get in... someone can help?


This is quite the long shot so dont get your hopes up, but ive seen vehicles tumble trough the ground alot when i placed them ever so slightly to low to the ground, they appear to still be above ground, but are not.

So what im basically saying, try spawn them back in 1 unit higher (on Z) then the position they where before.

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