Need Mysql Help

Ok well i am trying to start a MySql server but my friend says that my MySql is fucked up because i keep getting this message.

Error no. 2003
Cant connect to MySql server on 'localhost' (10061)

If anyof you could add my msn or leave a comment that would be great

All you'll ever need.

Even xampp is still bugged for me i need a pro's help

do you have a mysql server on the same pc as the samp server?
if no, theres your problem...


Error No. 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (or some other host)

simply means that connection is not possible for one of the following (or similar) reasons:

* There is no MySQL server running at the specified host

* Connection to the MySQL server is not allowed using TCP-IP. Check the 'skip-networking' setting in the MySQL configuration file (my.ini on Windows, my.cnf on Unix/Linux). It shall be commented out like '#skip-networking'. If it is not commented out, then do it and restart the MySQL server for the change to take effect. SQLyog needs to connect using TCP-IP.

* Some networking issue prevents connection. It could be a network malconfiguration or a firewall issue. We have experienced sometimes that some firewalls (ZoneAlarm in particular) is blocking TCP-IP connections even if it claims to be disabled. Most often it will help to uninstall and reinstall the firewall.

* When trying to connect to a MySQL server at an ISP this error message often indicates that direct connection to MySQL has been blocked. You must then use HTTP-tunneling or SSH-tunneling to connect.

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