New skin models wouldn't load in time + crash?

I just connected to my server, got these messages after request new skin classes and crashed:

Why this happened?

dff files corrupted

Originally Posted by SPAWN_METAL
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dff files corrupted
Corrupted? It just happen sometimes... I have 0.3.7 client since its released, its not a simple file problem.

any mods?
game can't load this file, something happened

Originally Posted by SPAWN_METAL
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any mods?
game can't load this file, something happened
Nope, only the original game installed, not even touched my imgs or other stuff... I just would like to know how does this new skins issue happen so I could prevent my players to get kicked when request class...

Show us the codes that defines the new skin ids.!

Dude its not a scripting problem, its only a loop for classes from model 1 to 311 ignoring some invalid models like skin 74 and others.

There are many issues topics about this.

1. Some people says that this will be caused due to corrupted files just re-install SA-MP.IMG.
2. (This could cause damage to, if you edit the original skins)
It's really weird cause i never had this kind of error when i updated to 0.3.7!

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