World time!

How to set world time ? I'm from Romanian and i want Romanian Hour.

If you mean how to sync it with your local time you need to get your time in-game. An example of this is using a PHP script which returns the time of a current timezone and sending it with the server syncs the time.

pawn Код:
stock syncServerTime(timezone)
    new string[64];
    format(string, sizeof(string), "", timezone);
    HTTP(0, HTTP_GET, string, "", "OnServerTimeSync");
    return 1;

forward OnServerTimeSync(index, response_code, data[]);
public OnServerTimeSync(index, response_code, data[])
    if(response_code == 200)
        new timezone = strval(data);
    return 1;
Basically, this is how something like this can be done. This would depend on a PHP script that returns the hour of your local time.

Can you please what type your gamemode? and you are using PHP or something?

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