20.05.2015, 17:48
So Ive made an /buy command which only works on certain spots where I declared it.. But this is the problem when I come to that certain spot and type /buy it pops me the dialog and it sends client message That I am not close to the shop but when I go away from that spot and type /buy it sends me 4 client messages that I am not in the spot. I created dynamic system like this.
So problem is in this OnPlayerCommand.. And by the way how can I set someone Flowers in the hand when he buys it I did it like this
But It doesnt works..
#define MAX_DUCANI 4 //how many stores I have #define DIALOG_DUCAN 14 //the dialog for the store new Text3D:DucaniText[MAX_DUCANI]; enum ducaninfo { Float:bPosX, Float:bPosY, Float:bPosZ } These are my store coridnates new Float:DucanInfo[MAX_DUCANI][ducaninfo] = { {1470.0087000,-1042.8914000,23.8281000}, {1732.8887000,-1862.6531000,13.5760000}, {1463.3605000,-1666.0052000,14.0469000}, {2460.2310000,-1667.4617000,13.4782000} }; //MY load stock LoadDucani() { for(new t=0;t<MAX_DUCANI;t++) { DucaniText[t] = Create3DTextLabel(""COL_ZLATNA"Trafika\n__________________\n"COL_BIJELA"Za kupnju kucaj /kupi"COL_ZLATNA"", -1, DucanInfo[t][bPosX], DucanInfo[t][bPosY], DucanInfo[t][bPosZ], 10.0, 0, 0); } return 1; } LoadDucani(); //This is the Buy command if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/kupi")) { for(new t=0;t<MAX_DUCANI;t++) { if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2.0, DucanInfo[t][bPosX], DucanInfo[t][bPosY], DucanInfo[t][bPosZ])) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_DUCAN, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Balkan Godfather-"COL_ZLATNA"Trafika", "Bonovi(10$,20$,50$,100$,200$)\nBuket cvijeca(20$)\nKondom(16$)\nCigare(17$)\nUpaljac(10$)\nCola(8$)\nGusti sok(10$)", "Kupi", "Odustani"); }else { SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREY,"Moras biti u ducanu ili na trafici!"); } } return 1; }
if(listitem == 1) { if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid)>20) { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -20); SetPlayerArmedWeapon(playerid,325); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Kupio si buket cvijeca."); }else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Nemas dovoljno novca!"); } }