Sample script of..

i need a sample script..

I actually made an Driving NPC and i want to pause the npc i looked through wiki but no use and i want when a player gets in this NPC's car passenger seat the npc resumes...

Thanks in advance,

Whole Script:

    #include <a_samp>
    #include <a_npc>

    new Taxicar1; // The name of your vehicle

    public OnGameModeInit()
            ConnectNPC("Taxi1","Taxi1"); // The name of your NPC and the record. The record need to match an record with the same name. The NPC name can be anything
        Taxicar1 = AddStaticVehicle(420,1638.7864,-2314.6626,13.2513,89.9884,6,1);  // Creating your vehicle, this can be done ingame by typing /save. Then go to your SA-MP folder and find the folder "savedpositions"

            return 1;
    public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
        if(!IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) return 0; // If the player is not a NPC, nothing will happend

            new playername[64]; //Player String
            Getplayername(playerid,playername,64); //This is to get the NPC's name

            if(!strcmp(playername, "Taxi1", true)) { // Detecting if the NPC is spawned. If it is not spawned or the name is wrong, nothing will happend
                            SetSpawnInfo( playerid, 0, 255, 1958.33, 1343.12, 15.36, 269.15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
                //SetSpawnInfo( playerid, Team, Skin, x, y, z, rotation, weapon1, ammo for weapon1, w2, ammo2, w3, ammo3 );
                SetPlayerColor(playerid,0xFFFFFFFF); // Chose any color you want, this is currently white
            PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, Taxicar1, 0);

        return 1;

Take a look here

Would help you..

Originally Posted by fuckingcruse
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Checked that already.. Not useful as their is no Pause Or Resume thingy's involved

Try googling some other tutorials.. and show us codes without that , how can you expect help?

Originally Posted by fuckingcruse
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Try googling some other tutorials.. and show us codes without that , how can you expect help?
Uploaded the script..


Not sure if that is actually what you need:

Originally Posted by Konstantinos
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Told you i didnt get it on wiki, So i loved to hear it from a scripter..

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