help sql saving data for item

i made an item for my cop and robbers gamemode its a bomb i ended up inserting it into my gamemode from a filterscript and then made the bomb purchasable from the ammunation that already has its own system but when i log out and log back in the bomb is gone

the cops and robbers gamemode has a feature for raping and it also offers condoms that you can buy at a hospital so i figured i could copy the condom code

format(query,sizeof(query),"UPDATE playerdata SET LsCondom = '%d' WHERE UserName = '%s'",PlayerInfo[playerid][pCondom],PlayerInfo[playerid][pName]);
format(query,sizeof(query),"UPDATE playerdata SET LSBombs = '%d' WHERE UserName = '%s'",PlayerInfo[playerid][pBomb],PlayerInfo[playerid][pName]);
and there was 1 other code i copied that one i ctrl+f every word with condom in it to see where it traced to on the sql and i only found this code and another

still i manage to fail and the code does not work i put the table in also on the phpmyadmin in the same list as where the condoms were

could it be because the my table on phpmyadmin is not in order? or does that not matter

anyways can somebody help me set up a new table so that i can get these bombs saved or help me merge the bomb with my existing sql thank you

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