Custom IMG detection (IMG Captcha)?

Hey there. I've thought about an efficient way of detecting if a player has your custom img file. I couldn't think of any ways I felt were efficient enough at first but now I found a pretty good idea but I dont have any use or time for this to actually turn it into a working thing, so thats why I am sharing the idea here!

It's relatively simple and it will pretty much only require a bunch of textures added to your custom img file (although you could also do this with seperate objects) which should have the numbers 0 to 9 on them. You then make a room with 4 signs in them in which the player will be spawned before actually being spawned in the world. You make the server choose 4 numbers (and save those numbers) and apply the texture that belongs to those numbers on the signs. If the player writes those number in a command, dialog, or in the chat within one minute he gets spawned, otherwise he is kicked. If the player doesnt see the numbers, that means he doesnt have your img file or it is incomplete.

Obviously people could still cheat their way through if they'd only have the textures. The only way I thought of making this more cheat-proof is by spreading the textures between all the texture files your img file has instead of inside its own texture file. And if you have more than 10 texture files you could also add letters or symbols.

I personally feel this would be way more efficient and less time consuming than spawning the players on objects and checking if they fall through.

What do you guys think?

You can just use 0-9 images then have them loaded based on random. So if you have 5 numbers, you could randomize all the numbers then show the 5 slots each with a random number inside of them (which you'll save the number of course). Seems like it would work fine

But then people will know the numbers or whatever...

Originally Posted by Abagail
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But then people will know the numbers or whatever...
If he uses a slot method and has individual number textures, they wouldn't know the number unless they had his custom pack. The number would be different for everyone (collision wouldn't really be an issue). He would be able to randomize each individual slot number so you could get, 53541 or 42324 or 24043 etc.

Add a flat solid panel to your IMG (or use any other custom solid object). Spawn the player on the object. Players that don't have your IMG will fall down.

Originally Posted by Vince
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Add a flat solid panel to your IMG (or use any other custom solid object). Spawn the player on the object. Players that don't have your IMG will fall down.
Like I said in my main post I dont feel like that's an efficient method, it's more time consuming for players than it is to write a simple code and there's always a chance the player has a solid object from another img file on that slot.

Originally Posted by Abagail
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But then people will know the numbers or whatever...
They wont, thats the thing, the numbers are chosen randomly and the 4 signs or objects will have a texture on them with the numbers on it. If you dont have the img file it wont show the numbers, meaning you can not get the code in order to spawn. If you give the textures an unique name there's pretty much no way that people will get through without having your img file. Sure, if they'd only have the textures and not the models they'd still get through, but you could place the textures on custom objects from your img file, which also solves that problem. All those things combined would require players to go through a lot of effort to enter the server without custom objects, although I dont see why people would go through that effort.


Like I said in my main post I dont feel like that's an efficient method, it's more time consuming for players than it is to write a simple code and there's always a chance the player has a solid object from another img file on that slot.

It's not time consuming - typing a code every time you connect is time consuming. If you make an object with a special size or something, then spawn the player above it, you could have the object 0.5 units above ground and it would be very unobtrusive.

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