togglespec (/ts)

hello can can someone teach me how to script a togglespec (/ts)?

i mean like if im ingame and i dont want no one to spec me i can just type /ts. then when a person try to spec me it a send a message saying "u cannot spec this player as they have their spec disable". please help me.

Create a variable first:
pawn Код:
new ToggleSpectate[MAX_PLAYERS];
Then check if it's set to 0 or 1 when using /ts, and set to to 1 or 0 accordingly.

Then in your spectating command, check if it's 0 or 1.
EDIT: Just noticed, wrong section, next time post this under Scripting Help.

Wrong section and you may using the wrong playerids. I can't really tell if you don't show us the code. Nobody is going to help you here though, neither am I after this.

Originally Posted by CalvinC
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Create a variable first:
pawn Код:
new ToggleSpectate[MAX_PLAYERS];
Then check if it's set to 0 or 1 when using /ts, and set to to 1 or 0 accordingly.

Then in your spectating command, check if it's 0 or 1.
That's not the problem he is describing, he says the message is sent to the wrong person. Also, while your teaching him why not show him how to use a boolean instead of this integer check?

sorry for posting the wrong place.

First create a global boolean variable:
new bool:spec_enabled[MAX_PLAYERS]
Then initialize it
// OnGameModeInit:
for (new i=0, i<MAX_PLAYERS, i++) spec_enabled[i] = true;
// OnPlayerConnect
spec_enabled[playerid] = true;
Modify your /spec command as follows
dcmd_spec(playerid, params[])
	if (strlen(params) && IsNumeric(params) && strval(params) != playerid)
		new spected = strval(params);
		if (!spec_enabled[spected]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFA000FF, "[ERROR]: that player has spec disabled!");
			// ... your /spec code here
		return 1;
	else return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFA000FF, "[USAGE]: /spec [playerid]");
Your /ts command could be something like:
dcmd_ts(playerid, params[])
   	#pragma unused params
	if (spec_enabled[playerid])
	    spec_enabled[playerid] = false;
	    SendClientMessage[playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "*** You've become invisible...");
	    spec_enabled[playerid] = true;
	    SendClientMessage[playerid, 0x00A000FF, "*** You've become visible...");
Perhaps there are better ways, but the idea is the use of booleans to define stats of players.

im using zcmd

ZCMD is just a command processor, they told you exactly how to do it. It'll be your job to convert dcmd to ZCMD. There are many tutorials on this.

C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\pawno\include\rDut : error 017: undefined symbol "StripNewLine"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(87) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "forward"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(684) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "COLOR_YELLOW")
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(796) : error 017: undefined symbol "ConfigPrint"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(807) : error 017: undefined symbol "cmd"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(829) : error 017: undefined symbol "StripNewLine"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(846) : error 017: undefined symbol "strtok"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(845) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "idx"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(863) : error 017: undefined symbol "strtok"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(862) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "idx"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(1006) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(1011) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(1022) : error 017: undefined symbol "PreloadAnimLib"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(1046) : error 017: undefined symbol "Path"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(1046) : error 017: undefined symbol "Path"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(1085) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(1096) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(109 : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(1116) : error 017: undefined symbol "TempBanCheck"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(1117) : error 017: undefined symbol "Path"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(1129) : error 017: undefined symbol "Path"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(1135) : error 017: undefined symbol "Path"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(1171) : error 017: undefined symbol "SaveStats"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(1177) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(117 : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(1179) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(1194) : error 017: undefined symbol "StopSpectate"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(1197) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\jahbo_000\Desktop\SAMP\filterscripts\AFS. pwn(1304) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

26 Errors.

i fixed the rest but im having problems with this one

error 021: symbol already defined: "i"

Well, I just noticed that this is a scripting-based question in the General section so this actually is not the right place to be asking for scripting help.

Try posting in the "Scripting Help" section.

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