Some Objects...

I made a call of duty server in which there are about 4000+ Object all made by me, but the bases which i made only shows few object and other r not showing in-game ( i m using Incognito streamer plugin + include)

The streamer works by switching which objects can be seen for certain players.
Therefore for each player, the objects that are visible to them still counts towards their object limit.

Etc. having a base with about 2000 dynamic objects, and having 1000 or more objects visible to a player, other players will be fine, but that player will have reached the object limit.

Using normal objects will also still count towards the object limit, having etc. 500 normal objects, the streamer can only show 500 dynamic objects for each player untill it reaches the limit.

It seems quite likely that you may be reaching the limit while using 4000 objects.
Also, make sure you are using CreateDynamicObject and not CreateObject codes for the 4000 objects.

i m using CreateDynamicObject for all

As i can said, you might have reached the limit, check if you have too many dynamic objects in an area.

check your code... if some are set to false one sided.. they wont see them untill they go to the other side of the object

paste the code in a text document... edit - replace find- false replaceall with true

... if this is not the case... post a video showing what they cannot see and maybe somebody will reply

good luck...

i removed some stunts object because of limits..
i will see if it doesn't work..

they is no limit with a streamer.... as far as i know

Originally Posted by andrewgrob
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they is no limit with a streamer.... as far as i know
There's no way to eliminate the limit completely.
And incognito's streamer says the same:
Originally Posted by Incognito's Streamer
If some items are not appearing, there may be too many in one area. Lower the streaming distance by decreasing the "streamdistance" parameter on each native.

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