Family Skin

What I have to do to: ChosenSkin choose any FamilySkin defined in family data files?
ChosenSkin[playerid] = FamilyInfo[PlayerInfo[playerid][pFMember]][FamilySkin1];
[In this case, when I type 'next' just shows me first (FamilySkin1) to me.)
What I have to do to Skin Chooser show me all of Family Skins?
I hope It was clear ... .

What do you mean Skin Chooser? You mean a dialog? An mSelection type of dialog?

It's just a system that works (T => next or done) haven't you ever seen something like that?
for example : /invite 9 [Invites for LSPD)
then /accept faction appears for playerb. then when playerb accept this offer, his skin changes to something like skin ID 299. and with T => next can change them.
after choosing them, he can accept that skin and put them on himself. (with T => done)
* done or next here is without (/) Slash.

Sorry but ... UP

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