Is it good idea? for roleplay.

Is it good idea to make multiple player name in a server?


We have 10 player online, 3 of them have same roleplay name, ex: Alex_Smith

Is it good for roleplay server?

For make it possible, i use 3DText lebel and hide their name tag.

The same name? For what?

I voted no because most of the time there will only be 20 or so players (on average) most likely and so it wouldn't be very likely that two or more have the same name.

This idea is actually great. Use a master account and let people create 10 same names on different characters. But the PD will be facing problems unless players have to identify their parents' names during the registration. In short, this is the ultimate answer to metagaming. Go for it.

Sure, but I can see this causing problems in the future.

It causes difficulties sometimes.

No, because you can mix people up, because they have the same name.

Its realistic if you let players use same names at some instances but as a rp game,it will be weird.It can be use in a server with 100+ players to make realistic but it's weird to use for a server around 10 20 players.

People's name and identities would be messed up. Sorry, but nope.

Originally Posted by Henkie
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No, because you can mix people up, because they have the same name.
Originally Posted by Kapersky™
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People's name and identities would be messed up. Sorry, but nope.
Thats why you use a master account. The master account should be visible to everyone so if you want to report someone you report their master account instead of their character names. It takes a bit more work and dedication but its very possible and the outcome is a one of a kind.

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