HDD Overload

Can someone help me? My hdd is overloading and PC just freezes. I tried everything even some long shoot ideas...

Reinstalled windows (clean install windows 7 so its soft format...)
Installed antivirus (Esset smart security)
Scanned full PC (Took like a whole day)
Used windows tools to check for bad sectors and recovery (Found NOTHING! - its odd as there is always some bad sector...)
Checked cables, cleaned PC from dust, switched ram memory slot to secondary (yeah long shoot)
When i start resources monitor it doesnt show overload for HDD (but my pc freezes so much its not even usable and i hear it like old car before blowing up valve!)
No idea whats going on...tried to increase and decrease swap memory and no help...
Antivirus is not updating or scanning!
HDD has 320gb, there are two partitions, C with windows 126gb free, and D with ~30gb free (I cleaned up files just to be sure its not due to low space). And i also defragmented D (it was really fast like it did nothing...)

Any ideas are welcome...

Then your windows dint install correctly

Buy a SSD?

Get hdd regenerator CD and execute it.
That started happening to me a few weeks ago, and after executing that CD, the HDD started working perfectly.
About the defrag...
Do not use windows defrag, as it isn't very effective.

Buy new hdd or even better ssd. This one is clearly dying.

Download HD Tune and go into "Health" tab. You should be able to see what is wrong with your HDD by looking at the SMART parameters.

Buying new HDD is simplest thing but than i would not ask these question...
Gonna check HD Tune (seems like useful tool) thx

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