15.01.2015, 21:12
Greetings, i know its an awkward question for me to ask however i'd like to know your opinion on having a 'Moderator' rank on a server preceding the 'Admin' rank.
Personally i do see it useless as i believe that someone who's trustworthy to be a mod is indeed enough to get his 'Admin' rank.
Other group of people whose i've been in contact with disagree as they do believe that the 'Moderator' rank is there for a trial, for the person to get to know the commands & how the system works, and get ready for his new level.
Please share your opinion if you don't mind!
Thank you.
Personally i do see it useless as i believe that someone who's trustworthy to be a mod is indeed enough to get his 'Admin' rank.
Other group of people whose i've been in contact with disagree as they do believe that the 'Moderator' rank is there for a trial, for the person to get to know the commands & how the system works, and get ready for his new level.
Please share your opinion if you don't mind!
Thank you.