22.08.2014, 20:16
A/D (Attack - Defend)
This game mode is for clan wars (CW). It has all main features, that CW server needs (team names, team scores, arenas, bases, round timer and more).Commands' list:
/startarena [arena id] - start arena.
/startbase [base id] - start base
/pause - pause round.
/unpause - unpause round.
/add [playerid] - add player to round.
/diss [playerid] - remove player from round.
/bringto [id] [bringto] - teleport one player to another.
/goto [playerid] - teleport to player.
/gethere [playerid] - teleport player to yourself.
/cbug [on/off] - disable or enable anti c bug.
/gmenu [playerid] - give weapon menu to player.
/pm [playerid] [text] - send PM.
/open - open server.
/close - lock server.
/sethp [playerid] [hp] - set player's HP.
/healall - heal everyone.
/explode [playerid] - explode player (useful to check HP hack).
/resetscores - reset team scores.
/resetstats - reset players' stats
/melee - hand guns menu.
/sync - synchronize player
/switch - change team.
Kick, Ban and other commands which you will find in script.
I don't remember if it has some bugs or no, so I don't promise you that (it's been long time since I scripted this game mode).
Credits goes to ****** (sscanf), DracoBlue (dudb), [DRuG]Slick (SII). Thank you!

(black box is just hiding website (don't want to advertise)).
Download HERE.