22.12.2014, 10:37
Hey guys, I'm having some issues with a new thingy I added, perhaps you can help me out here?
Piece of script:
I hope you can help me out, so me and my friends can play again
C:\Users\**************************.pwn(4336) : error 006: must be assigned to an array C:\Users\**************************.pwn(4337) : error 006: must be assigned to an array C:\Users\**************************.pwn(4338) : error 006: must be assigned to an array
forward LoadBizInfo(biz); public LoadBizInfo(biz) { new file[32]; format(file,sizeof(file),"/Business/ID%d.ini", biz); BizInfo[biz][Name] = dini_Get(file, "Name"); BizInfo[biz][bHInteriorWorld] = dini_Get(file, "bHInteriorWorld"); // <- Error line 1336 BizInfo[biz][bCustomInterior] = dini_Get(file, "bCustominterior"); // <- Error line 1337 BizInfo[biz][bCustomExterior] = dini_Get(file, "bCustomExterior"); // <- Error line 1338 BizInfo[biz][Owner] = dini_Get(file, "Owner"); BizInfo[biz][XCoord] = dini_Float(file, "XCoord"); BizInfo[biz][YCoord] = dini_Float(file, "YCoord"); BizInfo[biz][ZCoord] = dini_Float(file, "ZCoord"); BizInfo[biz][IXCoord] = dini_Float(file, "IXCoord"); BizInfo[biz][IYCoord] = dini_Float(file, "IYCoord"); BizInfo[biz][IZCoord] = dini_Float(file, "IZCoord"); BizInfo[biz][Till] = dini_Int(file,"Till"); BizInfo[biz][Genre] = dini_Int(file, "Genre"); BizInfo[biz][Price] = dini_Int(file, "Price"); BizInfo[biz][Owned] = dini_Int(file, "Owned"); BizInfo[biz][VW] = dini_Int(file, "VW"); BizInfo[biz][Int] = dini_Int(file, "Int"); BizInfo[biz][MapID] = dini_Int(file, "MapID"); BizPickup[biz] = CreateDynamicPickup(1272, 1, BizInfo[biz][XCoord], BizInfo[biz][YCoord], BizInfo[biz][ZCoord], -1, -1, -1, 30); new string[150]; if(BizInfo[biz][XCoord] == 0 && BizInfo[biz][YCoord] == 0) { BizInfo[biz][XCoord] = -45.1008; BizInfo[biz][YCoord] = 367.5904; BizInfo[biz][ZCoord] = -178.6849; BizInfo[biz][IXCoord] = -45.1008; BizInfo[biz][IYCoord] = 367.5904; BizInfo[biz][IZCoord] = -178.6849; } if(BizInfo[biz][Owned] == 1) { format(string,sizeof(string),"%s\nOwner: %s\nType: %s\nID: %d", BizInfo[biz][Name], BizInfo[biz][Owner],GetBizType(biz), biz); BizLabel[biz] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(string, COLOR_BIZ, BizInfo[biz][XCoord], BizInfo[biz][YCoord], BizInfo[biz][ZCoord], 30.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 0, 0, -1, -1, 30.0); } else { format(string,sizeof(string),"%s\nThis business is for sale!\nPrice: $%d\nType: %s\nID: %d", BizInfo[biz][Name], BizInfo[biz][Price],GetBizType(biz), biz); BizLabel[biz] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(string, COLOR_BIZ, BizInfo[biz][XCoord], BizInfo[biz][YCoord], BizInfo[biz][ZCoord], 30.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 0, 0, -1, -1, 30.0); } return 1; }