samp.ban Help

So I made a command with Ban() function in it and when I have banned my self samp.ban file has my local IP written, but for some reason I am still able to join the server. Anyonw knows whats the problem? I have tried using BanEx function, using Rcon commands nothing helped I am still able to get in the server and I am not getting "You are banned from the server" message.

Are you connecting to the server using localhost? The samp.ban system works, so if yours isn't there may have been an issue causing the IP to be improperly placed in the samp.ban file.

Yes I am using localhost and I am sure that the IP is propery placed.

this is what inside of my samp.ban: [23/12/14 | 03:47:59] NONE - IP BAN

Not tested or anything, but maybe localhost bypasses the ban system.

I have tried banning my public IP it didn't work also

Okay I tried this with friend and it worked I don't why it doesn't ban myself, but anyway thanks.

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