Unknown Command

Hello, I am the Portuguese board and I have a problem. Unfortunately the board pt. I could not help.

I hope you understand what I say, because I am using the ****** translator

Estou com um problema com os veнculos de evento na minha hospedagem.

Oque acontece й que quando crio o primeiro veнculo ele spawna normalmente, jб quando crio mais veнculos ele produzem: Unknown Command e os veнculos nгo sгo aceitos no evento.


This is on localhost and it works perfectly.

Here and in hosting and does not work.

I have looked at the forum and found nothing.

This is the code to create vehicles:

pawn Код:
if( !strcmp( cmd, "/ecv", true ))
                if( VeiculosEvento == MAX_VEH_EVENTO )
                    SendClientMessage( playerid, ERRO, " | ERROR |EXCEEDED THE EVENT FOR VEHICLES LIMIT" );
                    return 1;
                tmp = strtok( cmdtext, idx );
                if( !strlen( tmp ))
                    SendClientMessage( playerid, ERRO, " | ERRO | CORRECT USE: /ecv [VEHICLEID]" );
                    return 1;
                    veiculoID = strval( tmp )
                if( veiculoID < 400 || veiculoID > 611 )
                    SendClientMessage( playerid, ERRO, " | ERRO | VEHICLE ID NOT WORK!" );
                    return 1;
                    Float:ev_x, Float:ev_y, Float:ev_z, Float:ev_a
                GetPlayerFacingAngle( playerid, ev_a );
                GetPlayerPos( playerid, ev_x, ev_y, ev_z );

                    ev_c = random( 360 )
                if( IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ))
                    GetVehicleZAngle( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), evz_a );
                    SetVehicleToRespawn( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ));
                    vEvento[ CreateVehicle( veiculoID, ev_x, ev_y, ev_z, evz_a, ev_c, ev_c, -1 ) ] = 1;
                    PutPlayerInVehicle( playerid, vEvento[ VeiculosEvento ] = CreateVehicle( veiculoID, ev_x, ev_y, ev_z, ev_a, ev_c, ev_c, -1 ), 0 );
                    ivEvento[ vEvento[ VeiculosEvento ]] = 1;
                VeiculosEvento ++;
                return 1;
Thank you in advance to all.

Did you add all the files of the server to the host? All the plugins, filterscripts, includes etc.

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