[Include] a_td "Little include to TextDraw's"

I present you my first include: a_td
This include add animate/fade TextDraw color.

Big update ! i fix big bug ! please update include

Download a_td.inc
TextDrawFade(Text:id, delay=5, r, g, b, a, r2, g2, b2, a2, ColorFade, playerid=-1, bool:hide=false);
  • Text:id - id textdraw to be animated.
  • delay - animation speed (preferably 5).
  • r, g, b, a - start color.
  • r2, g2, b2, a2 - end color.
  • ColorFade - type animation see down.
  • playerid - if it is set -1 and hide=true it TextDraw after the animation will be hidden all, otherwise only one player.
  • bool:hide - Set to true if you want to hide the TD at the end of the animation, set false to the end of the animation had to hide TD.
PlayerTextDrawFade(playerid, PlayerText:id, delay=5, r, g, b, a, r2, g2, b2, a2, ColorFade, bool:hide=false);
  • playerid - Player id which is to do animation.
  • Text:id - id textdraw to be animated.
  • delay - animation speed (preferably 5).
  • r, g, b, a - start color.
  • r2, g2, b2, a2 - end color.
  • ColorFade - type animation see down.
  • bool:hide - Set to true if you want to hide the TD at the end of the animation, set false to the end of the animation had to hide TD.
ColorFade type:
#define FADE_COLOR_FONT				0 //Animate TextDraw Font
#define FADE_COLOR_BOX				1 //Animate TextDraw Box
OnTextDrawFadeInit(Text:id, delay, r, g, b, a, r2, g2, b2, a2, ColorFade, playerid, bool:hide);
  • Text:id - return the TextDraw id which has been animated.
  • delay - return the delay
  • r, g, b, a - return a color that has textdraw.
  • r2, g2, b2, a2 - return a color that has textdraw after the animation
  • ColorFade - return a fade type (Look Up)
  • playerid - returns the id of the player who started animations. -1 all
  • bool:hide - return or textdraw to be tucked away at the end of the animation
OnTextDrawFadeEnd(Text:id, playerid, delay, bool:hide, ColorFade);
  • Text:id - return the id textdraw who finished animations
  • playerid - return the delay
  • hide - return or textdraw to be tucked away at the end of the animation
  • ColorFade - return a fade type (Look Up)
OnPlayerTextDrawFadeInit(playerid, PlayerText:id, delay=5, r, g, b, a, r2, g2, b2, a2, ColorFade, bool:hide=false);
The same as OnTextDrawFadeInit, but for Playertextdraws.

OnPlayerTextDrawFadeEnd(playerid, Text:id, delay, bool:hide, ColorFade);
The same as OnTextDrawFadeEnd, but for Playertextdraws.

Install and see for yourself.

In the future:
  • - Animate step option.
  • - Draw triangle and circle.
  • - Animating position.
Author ReveresPL = Daewoo !

Pretty nice work, Haven't tested or seen the code. But if it works, Great job.

Seems good, gonna test it soon

Thanks, works in 100%.
I forgot to add callbacks, but soon I will add on a computer

BIGG Update !
Fix Bug Big Bug !

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