start of function body without function header

This timer I set up is outputting an error, and I'm not sure why. It is forwarded, all the shortened word (like SCM, pid) are all defined, the only thing different from a regular settimer is I gave this one a variable.

Resolution: that tiny semicolon on the header shouldnt be there.

pawn Код:
TIMER_GAMESTART = SetTimer("GameStart", 60000, true);

public GameStart();
    if(PlayersConnected >= 3)
        if(GameJoin == true)
            new PlayersReady = 0;
            for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
                    if PlayerReady[i] = true;
                else continue;
            if(PlayersReady >= 3)
                SCMA(COLOR_GOLD, "The game is starting! All ready tributes will be placed in the arena.");
                GameJoin = false;
            else SCMA(COLOR_GREEN, "Not enough tributes were ready.")
            GameJoin = true;
            SCMA(COLOR_GREEN, "The arena is ready. All tributes please ready (/ready) to enter the arena.")
    else SCMA(COLOR_GREEN, "The game was not joinable because there aren't enough tributes online.")
    return 1;

pawn Код:
forward GameStart();

public GameStart()
   return 1;
The semicolon goes on the forward, not the actual callback.

Edit: I didn't realize you fixed it already.

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