Server Crash ONLINE - No Join

Hi all!

My problem would be that 3-4 per day on the server "freeze" that is available indicates samp but you can not connect, and the players showed, but only after a reboot will be good again. I used the plugin but it is not Irish crashdetecet any errors, simply "stop" and can not connect to the server! I was thinking that some dialog or format () can be a problem but since the crashdetect not write anything so I am clueless, anyone have any idea how to find the cause of the "server" freezing? The server plays 50-60 players daily.

Sorry, I can not well English.

Show us your last logs before server crash.

so simple error, you will do restart the server then came again you mapping reduce it.

Could be a recursion or loop that never ends.
Try finding when exactly the server starts to hang (when a player joins, when someone types a certain command, etc)

What is your server name ? Coz i know some servers who have this problem

This may be caused either due to infinite loop in your script. A loop that never ends.
Refer this Topic.

or a specific invisible bot flood causes that too

What do you mean freeze? like no one moves ? or..

Yea correct it happens with my Server too.. after contacting with hoster.. he restart or did something with VPS and it fixed now...


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