Bug in My Gamemod

Hi Guys.
Today i've add register and random Player and Colors But I have Fined 2waring
D:\DOCUME~1\Ay0uB\Bureau\NOUVEA~2\GAMEMO~1\X1treme.pwn(5079) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "PlayerColors"
D:\DOCUME~1\Ay0uB\Bureau\NOUVEA~2\GAMEMO~1\X1treme.pwn(5079) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "SwearWords"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

2 Warnings.

Use CTRL +F "PlayerColor" and remove that and the same with SwearWords

Looks like you have some unused variables dunno xD

You've defined those but never use them. IMHO its not that big of a deal. I have like 15 things I've defined as part of a framework but I'm not using them at the moment and I jsut ignore the warnings.

Disclaimer: Ignoring warnings is bad behavior and real programmers (******) would probably hit me in the face for telling people to ignore warnings.

Fixed Thanks GGRoleplay

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