Windows 10 Technical Preview - Available Now

Hello all,

Finally Windows 10 Technical Preview is available to download! I am gonna try it, what about you ?

Join, download Win10 Technical Preview and Enjoy!



OK 10 more threads to go, until one of you notice that there's already a thread about this, ON THE FIRST PAGE!

Originally Posted by toXioneer
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OK 10 more threads to go, until one of you notice that there's already a thread about this, ON THE FIRST PAGE!
Many people don't even have look at comments! It will be a waste if I post here .


You don't even read the topic correctly! Should I post it here ? This thread is about "Name" not Windows 10 discussion. Think x100 times before replying!

In fact my default OS is Linux Mint, however I still use Windows to use some softwares like Fireworks and to play some games. For me win 7 will always be the best and I'll never change it for any other

Originally Posted by FahadKing07
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You don't even read the topic correctly! Should I post it here ? This thread is about "Name" not Windows 10 discussion. Think x100 times before replying!
You should better think again million times. If there is a thread already dedicated to Windows 10, why you've to make another thread for god sake!

Originally Posted by FahadKing07
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Many people don't even have look at comments! It will be a waste if I post here
are you some sort of attention whore? no? posting there means it's damn obvious everyone who replied there OR the one haven't checked out that thread again will read every single reply (except for few of them who don't have much time to wander around and read every reply).

Originally Posted by iZN
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You should better think again million times. If there is a thread already dedicated to Windows 10, why you've to make another thread for god sake!

are you some sort of attention whore? no? posting there means it's damn obvious everyone who replied there OR the one haven't checked out that thread again will read every single reply (except for few of them who don't have much time to wander around and read every reply).
This is the main topic:
Originally Posted by Mellnik
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Microsoft logical department has chosen a new name for the upcoming Windows.

Windows 10

I know, they probably took the number of all the devices on which Windows shall run on...

Myerson said following:
"One Store, one way for applications to be discovered, purchased, and updated across all of these devices."

Does that mean that the only way to install software is in conjunction with a shitty store? What do you think.
And why should I relate it with Windows 10 Technical Preview ? Also what loss you have if I create new thread ? Will I get money or something ?

Originally Posted by TakeiT
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Im running the preview, and I'm very set in my ways when it comes to software. However, There are a lot of similarities between windows 7 and this one, and some features I was thinking about the other day, trying to see if I could get for windows 7 (Like the multiple desktops)

It also uses less than half of the memory of windows 7 and is pretty damn fast

It's lacking some things too, like transparencies in the programs (When it's active, the top bar goes blue, when it's not, it's a windows 98 grey) and the gadgets arent available, though I assume that it'll be added before the release, whenever it is..

9/10 for me!
Yep, many people love Windows 7, thats why they decided to add some features from Windows 7. However, as you said it is lacking in many features because its just a Technical Preview. They already told that users of this preview will have to face crashing, incompatibility with softwares, insecurity, etc.

Yep, i gonna try this and it will be more useful and more stable that Windows 8 ,and is'nt there Windows 9 before Windows 10

Originally Posted by FahadKing07
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And why should I relate it with Windows 10 Technical Preview ? Also what loss you have if I create new thread ? Will I get money or something ?
Because the first thread is about Windows 10 discussion. This thread is useless.

Originally Posted by JoaoPedro
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In fact my default OS is Linux Mint, however I still use Windows to use some softwares like Fireworks and to play some games. For me win 7 will always be the best and I'll never change it for any other

Originally Posted by JoaoPedro
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In fact my default OS is Linux Mint, however I still use Windows to use some softwares like Fireworks and to play some games. For me win 7 will always be the best and I'll never change it for any other
If you continue to have that opinion, do yourself a favor and ensure your machines aren't on the Internet.

That's like saying ****** Chrome will always be the best - while many see ****** Chrome as the best browser right now(subjective), it won't always be viewed as that. There will be new technological advancements, something better, something faster, something more secure, etc.

Windows 8(8.1 especially) isn't even that bad. The people who say they hate metro (especially in 8.1) are people who haven't given it a fair shot. I've used it for well over a year now, I rarely find myself in the metro interface. There are a few annoying things that throw you into metro, but that's far and few inbetween. I actually have come to like the metro interface, it's a nice place to put your most commonly used applications, a nice simple screen to login to, etc.

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