[FilterScript] How to make /freeze and /unfreeze command without timer?

Hi Guys !
i need help from everyone of you , because i want to put command like /freeze [playerid] [reason] then message will show on player screen "You have been Frozen by [admin name] for [reason], then /unfreeze [playerid] then show on player that have been unfrozen "You have been unfrozen by [admin name] .

and i want to put command /mute [playerid] [minutes or sec] then on player that have been muted message "you have been muted by [adminname] for [reason] then of course /unmute [playerid] then this will be show on player screen "You have been unmute " .

if someone can help me . i will appreaciate it

sorry guys , i am just a beginner developer

Guys Please Help me

Hi, you have posted this in the wrong section unfortunately.

Please correct this so the people who help others can see it in the right section,

okay , thanks but im done with mute commands , i have problem with freeze command .

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